WHERE: ubi where(?), in which place(?) when, whenever
ibi there, in that place then
illic there, in that place
hic here, in this place at this point
WHITHER: quo whither(?), to which place(?)
eo thither, to that place so long
illuc thither, to that place
huc hither, to this place so far
WHENCE: unde whence(?), from which place(?)
inde from there, thenceforth, from that place after that, ever since
illinc thence, from that place
hinc hence, from this place after this
aer, aeris, m. air, atmosphere, weather;
aes, aeris, n. copper, bronze, brass, money.
aes alienum, debt
aestas, aestatis, f. summer;
aestus, aestus, m. heat, passion, surge of the sea;
aetas, aetatis, f. age, life, time, lifetime.
atqui, conj. yes but, and yet, nevertheless
atque, conj. and, and in fact, and then, and so.
cado, cadere, cecidi, casum. to fall, die, am killed, fail, subside, happen (events);
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum. to cut, slaughter, sacrifice, kill, strike;
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum. to walk, depart, withdraw, retreat, die, yield, concede.
compello, compellare, compellavi, compellatum. to call, address, reproach, arraign;
aestus, aestus, m. heat, passion, surge of the sea;
aetas, aetatis, f. age, life, time, lifetime.
atqui, conj. yes but, and yet, nevertheless
atque, conj. and, and in fact, and then, and so.
cado, cadere, cecidi, casum. to fall, die, am killed, fail, subside, happen (events);
caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum. to cut, slaughter, sacrifice, kill, strike;
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum. to walk, depart, withdraw, retreat, die, yield, concede.
compello, compellare, compellavi, compellatum. to call, address, reproach, arraign;
compello, compellere, compuli, compulsum. to drive, bring together, impel, compel; concentrate;
consisto, consistere, constiti. to stand, stand firm, take up a position, endure;
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum. to put, place, set down, station, halt, determine;
consto, constare, constiti, constatum. to stand together, agree, remain constant.
contineo, continere, continui, continentum. to contain, keep together, confine, control, check.
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum. to put, place, set down, station, halt, determine;
consto, constare, constiti, constatum. to stand together, agree, remain constant.
contineo, continere, continui, continentum. to contain, keep together, confine, control, check.
continuo, continuare, continuavi, continuatum. to join together, continue without a break.
fulgur, fulguris, n. lightning;
fulmen, fulminis, n. thunderbolt.
iaceo, iacere, iacui. to lie, lie ill, lie dead; (places) to be situated;
iacio,iacere, ieci, iactum. to throw, lay, build; (seed) to sow.
iacto, iactare, iactavi, iactatum. to throw, scatter, shake, toss about; (speech) to boast.
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessum. to walk, parade, march, advance, (feelings) come upon
fulmen, fulminis, n. thunderbolt.
iaceo, iacere, iacui. to lie, lie ill, lie dead; (places) to be situated;
iacio,iacere, ieci, iactum. to throw, lay, build; (seed) to sow.
iacto, iactare, iactavi, iactatum. to throw, scatter, shake, toss about; (speech) to boast.
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessum. to walk, parade, march, advance, (feelings) come upon
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensum. to burn, set fire to, set alight, inflame, rouse, incense, brighten.
incido, incidere, incidi, incasum. to fall upon, meet, come across, befall, occur, happen.
incido, incidere, incidi, incisum. to cut open, cut up, engrave, inscribe, interrupt, cut short.
insisto, insistere, institi. to stand on, stand firm, halt, press on, pursue, begin, persist, continue
instituo, instituere, institui, institutum. to set up. implant, establish, build, appoint, arrange, teach
insto, instare, institi. to stand on, pursue, approach, work hard at, insist, urge
lenis (long 'e'), soft, smooth, mild, gentle, calm
levis (short 'e'), adj. light, gentle, easy, trivial, fickle, nimble;
levis (long 'e'), adj. smooth, beardless, youthful, delicate.
nequaquam, adv. by no means, not at all;
nequiquam, adj. in vain, to no purpose, without good reason, fruitlessly, for nothing
onus, oneris, n. load, burden, weight, trouble, difficulty.
ops, opis, f. power, aid, help, assistance; plural (opes): wealth, riches, property, resources.
opus, operis, n. labour, work, toil, fortification, book of writing, need.
ora, orae, f. edge, border, boundary, sea-coast, country, region, ship's hawser;
os, oris, n. mouth, jaws, beak, tongue, lips, speech, face.
os, ossis, n. bone, marrow, heart, very soul.
parumper, adv. for a little while, for a time;
paulatim, adv. gradually, little by little;
paulisper, adv. for a little while.
pecu (pl. pecua), n. cattle, flock of sheep, plural: pastures, money;
pecus, pecoris, n. cattle, swine, sheep, flock, herd;
pecus, pecudis, f. a sheep, a head of cattle, a domestic animal.
praeterea, adv. besides, in addition, moreover, henceforth, further.
propterea, adv. therefore, on that account.
primitus, adv. originally.
levis (long 'e'), adj. smooth, beardless, youthful, delicate.
nequaquam, adv. by no means, not at all;
nequiquam, adj. in vain, to no purpose, without good reason, fruitlessly, for nothing
onus, oneris, n. load, burden, weight, trouble, difficulty.
ops, opis, f. power, aid, help, assistance; plural (opes): wealth, riches, property, resources.
opus, operis, n. labour, work, toil, fortification, book of writing, need.
ora, orae, f. edge, border, boundary, sea-coast, country, region, ship's hawser;
os, oris, n. mouth, jaws, beak, tongue, lips, speech, face.
os, ossis, n. bone, marrow, heart, very soul.
parumper, adv. for a little while, for a time;
paulatim, adv. gradually, little by little;
paulisper, adv. for a little while.
pecu (pl. pecua), n. cattle, flock of sheep, plural: pastures, money;
pecus, pecoris, n. cattle, swine, sheep, flock, herd;
pecus, pecudis, f. a sheep, a head of cattle, a domestic animal.
praeterea, adv. besides, in addition, moreover, henceforth, further.
propterea, adv. therefore, on that account.
primitus, adv. originally.
primo, adv. at first, firstly.
primum, adv. first, in the first place, first of all, for the first time, to begin with.
resisto, resistere, restiti. to stop, halt, stand still, resist.
restito, restitare, restitavi, restitatum. to stay behind, hesitate.
restituo, restituere, restitui, restitutum. to replace, rebuild, restore, give back, return, reverse
resto, restare, restiti. to resist, stand firm, remain, be left.
socer, soceri, m. father-in-law;
socrus, socrus, f. mother-in-law.
somnium, somn(i)i, n. dream, fancy, imagination, nonsense;
somnus, somni, m. sleep, sleep (of death), slumber, drowsiness.
subsisto, subsistere, substiti. to stand still, halt, stop.
somnus, somni, m. sleep, sleep (of death), slumber, drowsiness.
subsisto, subsistere, substiti. to stand still, halt, stop.
substituo, substituere, substitui, substitutum. to put next to, substitute, present, imagine.
substo, substare, substiti, substatum. to hold out, stand firm.
vero, adv. indeed, really, in truth;
verum, cj. but, but in truth, but still.
ab latere on the flank
verum, cj. but, but in truth, but still.
ab latere on the flank
absit a me far be it from me
abunde in profusion, more than enough, abundantly, amply, copiously
actum est de it is all up with
adeo so, thus, in fact
ad extremum at last, finally
adice add to this
ad hoc for this purpose, besides, moreover
ad irritum cadere come to nothing
admodum very, quite, fully
ad speciem for the sake of appearances
ad tempora on a temporary basis, for the moment, at the right time
ad ultimum finally, in the end, ultimately, for the last time
ad unum to a man, unanimously
adusque right up to, eventually, entirely
ad verbum word for word
ad verbum word for word
ad voluntatem with the consent (of)
aegre with difficulty, scarcely, hardly, distressingly
aegre patior to be displeased with
aes alienum debt
ager land, field, countryside, territory
alias at another time, some other time, at other times
alibi otherwise, elsewhere
alicubi somewhere, in some place
alii alio some in one place, some in another
alioqui otherwise, besides
aliquamdiu for sometime
aliquando sometimes, now at last, at long last, for once
aliquanto somewhat, rather
aliquanto somewhat, rather
aliquotiens several times
alius alii from one to another
alterum tantum twice as much
ambitiose ostentatiously, insolently
ante before that, until then, in the past
antiquitus long ago, in ancient times
antiquitus long ago, in ancient times
apud beside, by, among, near, in the presence of, in the opinion of
autem but, on the other hand, and yet, now, moreover
avare greedily, avariciously, covetously, eagerly
bene quidem very well
causa indicta without a hearing
causa indicta without a hearing
cavillans jeeringly
certatim eagerly, zealously, firmly, vied, emulously
ceterum besides, otherwise, but for all that
cis on this side
cito quickly, soon
citra short of
comminus hand to hand, at close quarters
confestim immediately, shortly, suddenly, without delay, speedily, forthwith
consensu unanimously
consensu unanimously
constanter constantly, resolutely, steadily, firmly, consistently
consulto deliberately, by design, on purpose
continuo immediately, without delay, forthwith, directly
contumaciter stubbornly, obstinately, with defiance
continuo immediately, without delay, forthwith, directly
contumaciter stubbornly, obstinately, with defiance
cordi sum I please, I am agreeable to
cotidie daily, on a daily basis, every day
crastino die tomorrow
cum maxime just as
cum primis especially
cum primum as soon as
cum ... tum both ... and; not only ... but also
cursu at a run, at the double
cum primum as soon as
cum ... tum both ... and; not only ... but also
cursu at a run, at the double
dedita opera intentionally, deliberately, on purpose
dehinc henceforth, then, next, from now on
deinceps successively, in order, in succession, one after another
deinde then, next, from there, thereafter
de improviso unexpectedly
deinceps successively, in order, in succession, one after another
deinde then, next, from there, thereafter
de improviso unexpectedly
de industria purposely, on purpose
de integro afresh
de more according to custom
demum at last, just, precisely
denique lastly, finally, in the end
denuo again, once more, afresh
demum at last, just, precisely
denique lastly, finally, in the end
denuo again, once more, afresh
desuper from above
diem dicere to impeach
diu for a long time, a long time ago
diutius any longer
divinitus from heaven, by a god, by divine inspiration/influence
domi militiaeque at home and abroad
dummodo provided that, so long as
dumtaxat at least, only, merely
dumtaxat at least, only, merely
eadem in the same way, at the same time
ea gratia on this account
eiusmodi such
eminus at/from a distance
eminus at/from a distance
enimvero certainly, for indeed
enixe earnestly, strenuously, zealously
enixe earnestly, strenuously, zealously
eo for that reason, on that account
eodem cursu in the same direction
eo magis all the more
eo plus the more
eo quod for the reason that
eo ... unde to the place ... from which
eo usque so far, to such an extent
equidem verily, truly, indeed, of course, at all events, for my part, to be sure
est apud se they have
et and, both, also, even, too
etenim but in fact, furthermore, and indeed
etiam also, even, actually, besides
etiam also, even, actually, besides
etiamnum till now
etiamsi even if, although
etiamtum till then
etsi even if, and yet, though
etiamsi even if, although
etiamtum till then
etsi even if, and yet, though
e vestigio instantly
exadversum right opposite
ex alto on the horizon
ex composito as agreed, as planned
exim then, next
ex improviso unexpectedly, all of a sudden
ex industria on purpose, deliberately, diligently
ex insperato unexpectedly
ex ordine in order, in turn, one after the other
ex parte partly, to some extent
ex quo since
extemplo immediately, at once, instantly, straightway, forthwith, without delay
ex transverso sideways, from the side
extrinsecus on the outside, from the outside
facile patior to be well pleased with
fere usually, generally, almost, nearly, about, quite, just
ferme almost
foras out, outside, out of doors
forte by chance, happened
fortuito by chance, fortuitously, haply
frustra in vain, for nothing
funditus completely, utterly, from the bottom
gratia + gen. for the sake of, in order to
gratius more pleasing, more agreeable
hactenus thus far, so far, till now
haud aliter quam just like, just as
haud aliter quam just like, just as
haud gravatim not unwillingly
haud secus quam just as (lit. not otherwise than)
haud scio an I feel sure
hauddum not yet
hesterno die yesterday, on the previous day
hic the latter
hinc et inde here and there, on both sides
iamdiu long since
iamdudum long ago, for a long time
iamiam right now, any moment now
iam nunc just now
iampridem long ago, for a long time
iam tum even at that time
idem likewise, also
iamdudum long ago, for a long time
iamiam right now, any moment now
iam nunc just now
iampridem long ago, for a long time
iam tum even at that time
idem likewise, also
identidem repeatedly, again and again, often, continually, constantly, regularly
ideo therefore, for this reason, that is why
ilico on the spot, in that very place, instantly, at once
illa that way, in that direction
ille the former
immo no, on the contrary, or rather
immensum exceedingly
improviso unexpectedly
in cassum in vain
in commune for the common good, for a common end
indidem from the same place
in dies daily, everyday, on a daily basis, day by day
in incerto in doubt
in loco on the spot
in maius too greatly, too highly, greater than it is, in an exaggerated fashion
in manibus well-known, at hand, available
in medium for the common good
in praesens for the present
in praesens for the present
in pretio valuable
in primis especially
in primis especially
inferne below
insuper above, on top, besides, over and above, still further
in tantum to such an extent
interdiu by day, during the day, in the daytime
interdum sometimes, now and then, occasionally
interea meanwhile, in the meantime, nevertheless
interim meanwhile, in the meantime, sometimes, someday, all the same
interim meanwhile, in the meantime, sometimes, someday, all the same
inter haec meanwhile
inter quae meanwhile
inter se mutually, one another
in vicem each other, in turn, alternately, mutually
in vicem each other, in turn, alternately, mutually
item likewise, also, besides, further, moreover, too, as well
itidem in the same way, similarly, likewise
iure justly, rightly
iuxta alike, just the same, close by
licet although, even if
magis more
magis more
magnis itineribus by forced marches
magnopere greatly, very much, exceedingly, particularly
mature promptly, at the right time
maxime most, especially, particularly, above all, very much
minime vero certainly not
missum facio I forgo
missum facio I forgo
modo only, at all, in any way, just now, a moment ago, if only
modo demum only now
moleste in an annoying manner
modo demum only now
moleste in an annoying manner
multo praestat it is much better
necdum and ... not yet
nec mora without delay, at once
necopinato unexpectedly
necopinato unexpectedly
neglegenter carelessly, with neglect
ne quidem not even
nihilo minus none the less
nimirum doubtless, undoubtedly, of course, certainly, surely
nimius excessive
non cassum in vain
non saltem not even
nondum not yet
non iam no longer
nonnumquam sometimes
non iam no longer
nonnumquam sometimes
non secus even so
nulla parte not at all
nunc quoque even now
oboedienter readily, duly
oboedienter readily, duly
obviam ierat had gone to meet
olim once, at times, sometime, one day
omnino at all, altogether, entirely, utterly, undoubtedly, to be sure
omni parte entirely
omnino at all, altogether, entirely, utterly, undoubtedly, to be sure
omni parte entirely
operae pretium worth while
ordine properly, in an orderly manner, in good order
otiose leisurely, idly, quietly
paene nearly, almost
palam openly, publicly
pariter alike, equally, at the same time, together
parum not very, too little, not enough, scarcely
passim here and there, at random, indiscriminately, in every direction, far and wide
passim here and there, at random, indiscriminately, in every direction, far and wide
paulo a little, somewhat
paulo ante recently, a short time before
paulum somewhat, slightly, a little
paulum modo just a little
pavide fearfully, timidly
penes + acc. in the power of, in the possession of, in the house of, in the hands of, with
penitus deep within, from the depths, utterly, thoroughly
per ambages in a roundabout way. in an equivocal manner
per ambages in a roundabout way. in an equivocal manner
perinde just as, in the same manner, equally
per omnia by all means, in all respects
per omnia by all means, in all respects
peropportune very opportunely, in the nick of time
perperam wrongly, falsely
per se in itself
pessum dare to put an end to, to ruin, to destroy
plerumque generally, usually, mostly
pone behind
porro next, in turn, moreover, long ago, in future, onward, forwards, a long way off
posthac hereafter, in future, afterwards
postmodo presently, shortly, soon after, a little later
postremo finally, eventually, besides, at any rate
potissimum especially, in particular
potius rather, more, instead
prae se fero I display, I show
praesens in person
praesertim especially
praesto at hand, ready, in readiness, there by your side
praesto at hand, ready, in readiness, there by your side
praeter except, besides, beyond, in addition to, more than, contrary to
praeterea besides, moreover, henceforth
praeterquam except, other than, save, beyond, besides
pridem long ago, long since, a long time ago
prima luce at dawn, at daybreak, at first light
primis in the first place
primo at first
primitus originally, in the first place, first of all
primitus originally, in the first place, first of all
primum firstly, in the first place, first of all, to begin with
probe well, properly, thoroughly
probe well, properly, thoroughly
proclive downwards
procul from afar, far away, at a distance, in the distance
profecto really, certainly, surely, truly, actually, indeed
proin(de) consequently, therefore, just as
propalam openly, publicly, manifestly
proin(de) consequently, therefore, just as
propalam openly, publicly, manifestly
pro parte to the best of one's ability
propediem shortly, before long, very soon, prematurely
propterea therefore
prorsus forwards, absolutely, quite, in short
prorsus forwards, absolutely, quite, in short
pro contione publicly, in public
pro se on his own behalf
pro tempore to suit the occasion, as the circumstances permitted
protinus forthwith, right away, at once, immediately, continuously
publice for the state, by the state, at the public expense, all together
publice for the state, by the state, at the public expense, all together
qua ... qua partly ... partly
quamdiu as long as
quamobrem why, wherefore, for what reason
quam primum as soon as possible
quam primum as soon as possible
quamquam although, and yet
quandoque whenever, someday, eventually, seeing that
quandoquidem seeing that, since, for
quapropter and therefore
quatenus since, in so far as, as far as
quemadmodum just as
quidem in fact, indeed, at any rate, it is true
quid sibi vult? what does he mean? what is he driving at? what is the point?
quidem in fact, indeed, at any rate, it is true
quid sibi vult? what does he mean? what is he driving at? what is the point?
quippe certainly, of course, for in fact
quispiam some one
quispiam some one
quisquam anyone
quisque each, every, everyone
quisquis whoever, whatever
quocirca therefore, for this reason
quodsi but if, whereas if
quomodo how
quomodo how
quondam once, formerly, long ago, sometimes, at that time
quotidie daily
quotidie daily
quotie(n)s how often
quotus quisque? how few?
reapse in fact, actually, in reality, really, in truth
recte rightly, properly, correctly
rem deferre to adjourn
res repeto I demand satisfaction, I seek restitution
retro back, backwards, behind
robigo rust, blight, mould, mildew
saepe often, frequently
saepenumero very often, on many occasions
saltem at least, at all events
sane indeed, doubtless, to be sure, of course, certainly, surely, if you please
sane indeed, doubtless, to be sure, of course, certainly, surely, if you please
satin quite, really
satis enough, sufficiently, tolerably, quite
satis facio I satisfy, I make amends, I pay
satisne quite, really
satius better, preferable
secus otherwise, differently, badly
sed enim but in fact, but actually
seditose seditiously, in a rebellious manner
seditose seditiously, in a rebellious manner
sedulo deliberately, on purpose
segniter slowly, lazily, slothfully
se habere to find oneself, to be
sensim gradually, slowly, tentatively, little by little
separatim apart, separately, on an individual basis
sero late, too late
sic quoque even so
sicuti just as if
sicuti just as if
signa conferre to join battle
signo dato at a given signal
sine fraude without harm
si quando whenever, if ever
si quando whenever, if ever
siquidem if only
specialiter particularly, specially, specifically
specialiter particularly, specially, specifically
sua sponte of its own accord, spontaneously, by oneself, unaided
summatim summarily, cursorily, briefly, in short
subinde repeatedly, immediately after, forthwith, thereupon
superne from above, at the top
susque deque up and down, neither here nor there, of no consequence
tacite silently, secretly
talis such, the following
talis ... qualis such as
tam so, so much, so very
tamen however, nevertheless, yet, but, all the same
tamdiu so long, as long
tametsi although
tamquam just as, just like
tam ... quam as ... as
tandem at last, at length, finally
tanti esse to be worth so much, to be so important, to be worth having
tantisper meanwhile, in the meantime, for so long as
tanto opere so much
tantum so, so much, only, merely
tantummodo only
tantum non all but, almost
tantum non all but, almost
tantum ... quantum as much as
tantus so big
tantus ... quantus as big as
temere rashly, at random, without design, casually, thoughtlessly
terga vertere to turn to flight (lit. to turn their backs)
tot so many
totie(n)s as often, so often
toties ... quoties as often as
tot ... quot as many as
tria tanta three times as much
trifarium on three sides, in three places
tum cum at the time when
tum demum only then
tunc then, at that time, next
tum demum only then
tunc then, at that time, next
turbide in disorder, in a disorderly manner
turmatim troop by troop, in squadrons
turpiter shamefully, in a shameful manner
ubi primum as soon as
ultra beyond, farther, deeper
ultra beyond, farther, deeper
ultro of one's own accord, unasked, voluntarily, unsolicited
ultro citroque to and fro, hither and thither, this way and that, in one way or another
una secum together with him
uno tenore without a break, uniformly
unusquisque every single one of us
uspiam anywhere, somewhere, in some place
usque continuously
usque ad right up to, all the way to as far as, leading to
usque adeo so much, to such an extent
usquequaque everywhere, on every occasion
utcumque one way or another
ut fit as usually happens
utique especially, at any rate, in any case, by all means, surely, still, certainly
ut primum as soon as
utraque and on the other side
utraque and on the other side
utrimque on both sides, on either side
venit usu it happens
veri similis probable, likely
vero indeed
versus turned towards, in the direction of, facing
versus turned towards, in the direction of, facing
verum but
verumtamen but yet, nevertheless, however
vicatim from street to street, in villages
verumtamen but yet, nevertheless, however
vicatim from street to street, in villages
vicissim in turn, again
videlicet clearly, evidently, obviously, namely
viritim invidually, on an individual basis, separately, to each man, man by man
vixdum hardly, as yet
vulgo publicly, commonly, everywhere