Tuesday, 20 March 2012



For background information about Horace and the "Odes" the reader is directed to the introductory sections in Sabidius' previous items on Horace: 1) Odes Book III, dated 28 September 2010; and 2) Horace on Himself, dated 3 February 2012. In this item Sabidius now offers a translation of the thirty-eight carmina in "Odes" Book I.

As with Book III, the poems in this book can basically be divided into two very different types: one type consists of poems addressed to eminent personages or are written 'by command' to celebrate some public event or policy; the other type deals with personal themes of love, wine and friendship. The former type aim at stateliness and sonorous dignity, the latter exhibit elegance and polish. Despite the difference between the two kinds of ode, the order of poems indicates careful arrangement by Horace. The first three odes in Book I are addressed to Maecanas, Augustus and Virgil respectively, while the first nine odes are all composed in a different metre, so as to demonstrate his skill in adapting the various Greek poetic models to the Latin language, and thus to "bump against the stars with his exalted head" (see the end of carmen 1). At the end of Book I, the passion of the Cleopatra ode (number XXXVII) is followed by the very brief drinking song ode XXXVIII, in accordance with Horace's characteristic reluctance to end on a high note. With regard to metre, Horace does indeed demonstrate to the full his metrical virtuosity in Book I. 10 odes (60 stanzas in all) are written in the Alcaic metre; and 9 (54 stanzas in all) in the Sapphic metre, with another ode, number VIII, being a variant of this metre. Of the other 18 odes, 15 are in the different variants of the Asclepiad metre, and 3 follow an Archilochean pattern.

The text for this translation comes from the version of Horace's Odes Book I, edited by T.E.Page, M.A., Litt. D., in the Elementary Classics series, Macmillan, 1879. Attention has also been given to "Commentary on Horace, Odes, Epodes, and Carmen Saeculare," by Paul Shorey and Gordon J.Laing, Sanborn & Co.,  New York, 1910, and "Horace: The Odes," edited by Kenneth Quinn, Bristol Classical Press, 1996.

At the bottom of this translation is a list of some of the best known quotations which come from this book; in this list the Latin words in italics are followed by an English rendering which follows exactly the above translation.

Carmen I.  To Maecenas  (First Asclepiad metre.)  This poem, addressed to his patron Maecenas, introduces the collected edition of Horace's odes. In it Horace compares his own desire to be ranked among the great lyric poets with the obsessive ambitions of ordinary men.

Maecenas, sprung from royal ancestors, O both my protection and my dear honour, there are (those) whom it delights to have collected Olympic dust in the racing chariot, and the turning post just cleared and the ennobling palm exalts (them) to the gods (as) lords of the earth; (it delights) one man, if a fickle crowd of citizens (lit. Quirites) strives to raise (him) to the triple magistracies; (it delights) another man, if he has stored in his own granary whatever is swept from the Libyan threshing-floor. (The man) who rejoices (lit. rejoicing) to cut with his hoe his patrimonial fields, you could never induce, (even) with the promises of an Attalid, to cleave, (as) a timorous sailor, the Myrtonian sea in a Cyprian bark. The merchant, dreading the South-West Wind contending with the Icarian waves, commends ease and the countryside around (lit. of) his town; (but) soon, not acclimatised to bearing humble circumstances, he refits his shattered vessels. There is (another) who despises neither cups of old Massic (wine) nor taking away a part of the working (lit. genuine) day, his limbs stretched (lit. stretched in respect of his limbs) at one moment under an (ever)green arbutus, at another near the head of a sacred stream. Camps, and the sound of the trumpet, mingled with (that of) the clarion, and wars detested by mothers, delight many. The hunter, unmindful of his tender wife, passes the night (lit. remains) beneath the cold sky (lit. Jupiter), whether a deer has been seen by his faithful hounds or a Marsian boar has broken (through) the finely-wrought nets. The ivy (garlands), the reward of learned brows, associate me with the gods above, the cool grove and the light dances of the nymphs and (lit. with) satyrs distinguish me from the crowd, if neither Euterpe (i.e. the Muse of Lyric Poetry) withholds her pipes, nor Polyhymnia (i.e. the Muse of Sacred Music) disdains to tune her Lesbian lyre. But if you rank me among the lyric poets, I shall bump against the stars with my exalted head.

Carmen II.  To Augustus Caesar.  (Sapphic metre.)  This ode is addressed, in true poet laureate style, to Augustus as the almost divine protector and guardian of the Rome, and concludes with a prayer that he may long live to guide the state.

Enough of snow and dreadful hail has the Father now sent upon the earth, and, having hurled (his thunderbolts) with his red right-hand, against the sacred citadels, he has terrified the City, he has terrified the nations lest the grievous age of Pyrrha, complaining of  strange prodigies, should return, when Proteus drove all his herd to visit the lofty mountains, and the race of fishes were stuck in the top of the lofty elm, which had been known (as) the seat of doves, and the timorous deer swam in the overwhelming flood. We have seen the yellow Tiber, with his waves hurled back violently from the Etruscan shore, proceed to demolish the monuments of the king (i.e. Numa Pompilius) and the temples of Vesta; while he vaunts himself the avenger of the over-complaining Ilia, and the uxorious river, wandering (from its course), flows over its left bank, despite Jupiter's disapproval (lit. with Jupiter not approving).

Our youth, thinned by the vice of their fathers, shall hear of citizens having whetted their sword (against themselves), by which the formidable Persians would better have perished, (and) they shall hear of (actual) battles. Which of the gods shall the people invoke to the aid of (lit. for) the fortunes of our falling empire? With what prayer shall the holy virgins importune Vesta, (now) listening to their hymns less (than before)?  To whom shall Jupiter assign the task of expiating our wickedness? May you at last come, we pray (you), prophet Apollo, your radiant shoulders clad in a cloud (lit. clad in a cloud in respect of your radiant shoulders); or (may you come) if you will, smiling Erycina (i.e.Venus), around whom hover Jocus and Cupid; or, if you have regard for your neglected race and descendants, (you) our founder (i.e. Mars), whom clamour and polished helmets and the fierce aspect of the Moorish infantry against their bloody enemy delight, alas, satiated too much with your lengthy sport; or, if you, the winged son of gentle Maia (i.e. Mercury), your form having been changed, should impersonate a young man upon the earth, submitting to be called the avenger of  Caesar: late may you return to the heavens, and may you dwell joyously among the people of Quirinus (i.e. Romulus), nor may a premature (lit. too swift) blast take you (from us); here may you rather delight at magnificent triumphs, here (may you delight) to be called father (of your country) and first (citizen), nor may you suffer the Medes (i.e.the Parthians) to make incursions (lit. to ride up and down) unpunished, with you, Caesar (i.e. Augustus), (being) our general.

Carmen III.  To the ship, in which Virgil was about to sail to Athens.  (Second Asclepiad metre.)  This ode is a 'propemptikon', a 'bon voyage' poem, written on the occasion of Virgil's journey to Greece.  Such poems commonly strike a note of caution about the potential dangers ahead. Here Horace expresses some thoughts on foreign travel and misplaced human ingenuity in general.    

So may the goddess ruling over Cyprus (i..e. Venus), so (may) the bright stars, the brothers of Helen (i.e. the Gemini), and the father of the winds (i.e. Aeolus), (all) others except Iapys, having been confined, direct you, (O) ship that owes Virgil, (who has been) entrusted to you, may you deliver (him) safely, I pray, to the borders of Attica, and may you (thus) preserve the (other) half of my soul. There was oak and triple brass around the heart of him who first committed a fragile vessel to the merciless ocean, nor feared the precipitous South-West Wind contending with the North Winds, nor the gloomy Hyades nor the frenzy of the South Wind, than whom (there is) no greater controller of the Adriatic, (whether) he wishes to rouse or to calm the waves. What approach of Death did he fear, who (beheld) with dry eyes the swimming monsters (of the deep), who  beheld the tumultuous sea and Aceraunia (and) its ill-famed rocks?

In vain has god, in his wisdom, divided the lands (of the earth) by the separating Ocean, if, nevertheless, impious ships bound across waters not suitable to be violated. The human race, presumptuous (enough) to endure everything,  rushes (on) through forbidden wickedness.

The audacious son of Iapetus (i.e. Prometheus), by wicked deceit, brought fire to the nations. After the theft of fire (lit. fire having been stolen), consumption and a new band of fevers settled upon the earth, and the slow necessity of death, previously remote, quickened its pace. Daedalus made trial of the empty air with wings not given to man; the labour of Hercules burst through Acheron. Nothing is (too) arduous for mortals (to attempt). In our folly, we aim at heaven itself, nor through our wickedness do we allow Jupiter to lay aside his angry thunderbolts.

Carmen IV.  To Sextius.  (First Archilochean metre.)  The coming of spring, the subject of this poem, is a common theme in Horace's verse. It is a time for joy, and, with death never far away, we should enjoy life while we can. This ode is addressed to Lucius Sestius, consul suffectus in 23 B.C.

Keen winter is melted by the welcome change of spring and the Westerly breeze, and the windlasses draw (down) the dry ships; and neither do the cattle delight any longer in their stalls or the ploughman in his fire, nor are the meadows whitened by hoary frosts. Now Cytherean Venus leads the dances, with the Moon looking down, and the comely Graces, joined to the Nymphs, shake the ground with alternate feet, while the glowing Vulcan rekindles the toilsome forges of the Cyclopes. Now it is fitting to encircle one's gleaming head with green myrtle or with the flowers which the relaxed earth produces. Now also it is fitting to sacrifice to Faunus in the shady groves, whether he demands (to be appeased) by a lamb, or whether he prefers (to be appeased) by a kid. Pale Death kicks at the cottages of the poor and the towers of kings with an impartial foot. O happy Sestius, the short sum total of our life forbids us to form long expectations. Presently shall night and the fabled ghosts (lit. Manes) and the cheerless mansion of Pluto overwhelm you: where, as soon as you shall have arrived, you shall determine neither the sovereignty of the wine by dice (lit. knuckle-bones), nor shall you admire the tender Lycidas, for whom all the youth is now inflamed, and (for whom) maidens will soon glow (with love).

Carmen V.  To Pyrrha.  (Fourth Asclepiad metre.)  This beautifully expressed ode is Horace's first love poem. Its theme is the battle of the sexes as waged between two unequal partners, an inexperienced young man attempting the conquest of a girl fully accustomed to such affairs.  

What slender youth, steeped in liquid perfume, woos you, Pyrrha, amid many a rose deep inside this pleasing grotto? For whom do you, simple in your elegance, bind back your golden hair? Alas, how often shall he bewail your faithlessness and the altered gods, and, in his innocence, he will be amazed by the seas (made) rough by the blackening winds, (he) who, (too) trustingly, now possesses you (shining) like gold; )he) who, unaware of the shifting (lit. treacherous) breeze, hopes (you will) always (be) available (lit. disengaged), always lovable. Wretched (are those) to whom you shine untried! This sacred wall declares, by means of a votive tablet, that I have hung up my dripping garments to the god having power over the sea.

Carmen VI.  To Agrippa.  (Third Asclepiad metre.)  In this poem Horace offers a dexterous apology to Agrippa, Augustus' principal military associate, for his failure to do justice to his achievements.

You will be described (lit. written of) by Varius, on the wing of Maeonian (i.e. epic) song, (as) brave and a conqueror of your enemies, whatever exploit your fierce soldiery shall have accomplished, (whether) in ships or on horseback, with you (as) their general. We, (O) Agrippa, in our feebleness (lit. with our slender [verses]), do not attempt to speak of these grand (themes), nor (of) the relentless bile of the son of Peleus (i.e. Achilles), not knowing how to yield, nor of the journeys of the cunning Ulysses, nor of the cruel house of Pelops, while modesty and the Muse, presiding over the peaceable lyre (i.e. Euterpe), forbids (me) to tarnish through the defect of my ability the praises of illustrious Caesar (i.e. Augustus) and of you. Who will worthily write of  Mars covered with an adamantine coat of mail (lit. tunic)? Or (of) Meriones, black with Trojan dust, (or) of the son of Tydeus (i.e. Diomedes), with the assistance of Pallas (i.e. Minerva) a match for (lit. equal to) the gods? We sing of banquets, we (sing of) the battles of virgins, fierce against young men, (but) with pared nails, (whether) we are fancy free (lit. unattached), or, if we are fired by any (spark), a little in love (lit. easy), not beyond our wont.

Carmen VII.  To Munatius Plancus.  (Second Archilochean metre.)  This is composed in the form of  an after-dinner conversation, elegantly reconstructed as a lyric, with the theme, or moral, that we should use wine to give us some occasional relief from the cares of life. It is addressed to Plancus, consul in 42 B.C., and very much an elder statesman at the time Horace wrote this poem. 

Other (poets) shall praise the famous Rhodes, or Mytilene, or Ephesus, or the walls of Corinth between two seas, or Thebes, illustrious due to Bacchus, or Delphi (illustrious) due to Apollo, or Thessalian Tempe. There are (some) whose sole task it is to celebrate in endless song the city of spotless Pallas (i.e. Athens), and to place upon their brow an olive (wreath) plucked from every side. Many a one, in honour of Juno, will tell of Argos fit for horses, and (of) rich Mycenae. Neither enduring Lacedaemon (i.e. Sparta) nor the plain of fertile Larissa has impressed (lit. struck) me so much as the grotto (lit. house) of re-echoing Albunea, and the headlong Anio, and the groves of Tibur, and its orchards watered by restless rivulets. As a fine South-West Wind clears the clouds from an overcast sky and does not bring forth from its womb rains unceasingly, so (if) you (are) wise, Plancus, remember, to set limits to anxiety and the toils of life by mellow wine, whether the camp, glittering with ensigns, possesses you, or the dense shade of your own Tibur shall detain (you). When Teucer fled from Salamis and his father, yet he is reputed to have bound his temples, moist with wine, with a garland of poplar, addressing his anxious friends thus: "O comrades and companions, whithersoever fortune, kinder (to me) than my father, may guide (lit. bear) us, we shall go. Nothing is to be despaired of, with Teucer (as) your leader, and with Teucer (as) taker of the auspices; for infallible Apollo has promised that there shall be a second Salamis in a new land. O gallant heroes and (those) often suffering with me greater hardships (lit. worse things), now drive away your cares with wine: tomorrow we will again traverse the vast ocean.

Carmen VIII.  To Lydia.  (Greater Sapphic metre.)  The theme of this poem is how the martial prowess of  a young Roman aristocrat on the verge of manhood is corrupted by the enervating effects of a love affair with an older woman. 

Lydia, tell (me), I beg you in the name of all the gods, why do you hasten to ruin Sybaris by love; why should he hate the sunny Campus (Martius), (though previously) able to endure the the dust and heat (lit, sun)? Why does he neither ride a horse (like) a soldier among his equals, nor control the mouth of a Gallic (steed) by jagged bits? Why does he fear to touch the yellow Tiber? Why does he shun olive-oil more cautiously than viper's blood, and no longer display (lit. wear) his arms black-and-blue (lit. livid) from (the use of) weapons, often renowned for the discus having been hurled, often (renowned) for the javelin (having been hurled) beyond (lit. across) the (recorded) limit. Why is he concealed, as they say the son of the sea(-nymph) Thetis (i.e. Achilles) (was) just before the mournful fall (lit. funerals) of Troy, lest manly attire should drag (him) forth to slaughter of (lit. and) the Lycian contingents?

Carmen IX.  To Thaliarchus.  (Alcaic metre.)  This ode comprises a dramatic monologue with Horace in his role of the middle-aged commentator on the comedy of human life. The refrain comes through once again that the young should enjoy life while they can.

You see how (Mount) Soracte stands (out) gleaming with deep snow, nor can the labouring woods sustain their burden any longer, and the rivers have been frozen on account of the piercing cold. Dissolve the cold, liberally piling up logs on the hearth, and bring down, O Thaliarchus (i.e. Lord of the banquets), the more generous four-year old wine jar. Leave the rest to the gods, for, as soon as they have stilled (lit. have spread) the winds fighting it out on the boiling plain of the sea, neither the cypresses nor the aged ash-trees are tossed about. Avoid asking what may happen tomorrow, and what Fortune may bestow (upon you) put down to profit, nor (as) a youth (should) you scorn sweet loves or dances, so long as crabbed old age (lit. grey-hair) keeps away from your youth (lit. [you] being green). Now let both the Campus (Martius) and public open spaces and gentle whispers at nightfall be repeated at the trysting (lit appointed) hour, now also  (let there be repeated) the welcome laugh of a hidden damsel from an innermost corner, and the token snatched from her arms or a scarcely resisting finger.

Carmen X.  To Mercury.  (Sapphic metre.)  The first of several exercises in traditional hymn form, the subject of this ode is Mercury and his benefactions to mankind. 

(O) Mercury, eloquent grandson of Atlas, who, shrewd (fellow that you are), civilised (lit. shaped) the brutish manner of newly-created men by (the gift of) language and the institution of the graceful wrestling-ground, I shall sing of you, messenger of great Jupiter and the gods, and father of the curved lyre, skilled in hiding whatever pleased (you) by a witty stratagem (lit. theft). While Apollo with his threatening voice was trying to frighten you (as) a boy, unless you were to restore the oxen once taken away by your trickery, he had to laugh (when he found himself) deprived of his quiver. Moreover, the wealthy Priam too, Ilium having been left behind, with you (as) his guide, eluded the proud sons of Atreus (i.e. Agamemnon and Menelaus), and the watch-fires and the camp hostile to Troy. You duly place dutiful souls in the blissful regions and keep together the insubstantial crowd with your golden rod (i.e. your caducaeus), welcome to (those) of the gods, (both) above and below.

Carmen XI.  To Leuconoe.  (Fifth Asclepiad metre.)  Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!

Do you not enquire, it is wrong to know, what limit (to life), the gods have given to me, what to you, Leuconoe, neither try the Babylonian calculations (i.e. astrology). How (much) better (it is) to endure whatever will be! Whether Jupiter has assigned (us yet) more winters or whether (this will be) our last, which now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea upon the opposing rocks (lit. pumice-rocks), be wise, strain your wines, and, in accordance with the short span (of your life), cut down your distant expectations. While we speak, jealous age will have fled: seize (lit. pluck) the day, trusting to the morrow as little as possible.

Carmen XII.  To Augustus.  (Sapphic metre.)  A long poem written in praise of Octavian (i.e. the future Augustus) probably around 36 B.C.: the language is somewhat stilted, and the host of examples from both Greek mythology and Roman history rather forced. 

What man or hero (i.e. demi-god) do you undertake to celebrate, Clio (i.e. the Muse of History), on the lyre or shrill pipe? What god? Whose name shall the sportive echo resound, either in the shady borders of (Mount) Helicon or on the top of (Mount) Pindus or on the cold Haemus (range)? From here the woods blindly (lit. rashly) followed the tuneful Orpheus, delaying the the rapid courses of rivers and the swift winds, likewise persuasive to draw along the long-eared oaks with his harmonious strings. What can I say prior to the usual praises of the father who (governs) the affairs of men and gods, who regulates the sea and the earth and the sky by the changing seasons? From him nothing is produced greater than himself, nor does anything flourish like (him) or (closely) following (him): yet Pallas (i.e. Athena) has assumed honours next to him.

Neither shall I be silent about you, Liber (i.e. Baachus), daring in battle, and (you O) Virgin, an enemy to the savage beasts (i.e. Diana), nor you, Phoebus (i.e. Apollo), to be dreaded for your unerring arrow.

Likewise I shall speak of the grandson of Alcaeus (i.e. Hercules) and the sons of Leda (i.e. Castor and Pollux), the one (famous for conquering) on horseback, the other famous for conquering in battles (on foot);  as soon as their bright constellation (i.e. the Gemini) has shone for the sailors, the wind-blown spray pours down from the rocks, the winds collapse and the clouds flee, and the threatening wave subsides in the open sea  - because they have willed (it) thus. After these things, I am in doubt (whether) I should first commemorate Romulus, or the peaceful reign of (Numa) Pompilius, or the proud fasces of Tarquin, or the noble death of Cato. I shall gratefully record in decorative poetry (lit. Camena) Regulus and Scaurus, and Paullus, prodigal of his mighty soul with the conquering Carthaginian (i.e. Hannibal), and Fabricius.

Stern poverty and an hereditary farmstead, with a modest dwelling, produced such (heroic stock), useful in war, as well as Curius with his unkempt locks, and Camillus. The fame of Marcellus (i.e. Octavian's nephew) is growing like a tree with the unmarked (lapse of) time; the Julian star shines amidst (them) all like the Moon amidst lesser lights (lit. fires). (O) son of (lit. [thou] sprung from) Saturn, father and guardian of the human race, to you the protection (lit. care) of great Caesar (i.e. Octavian) is assigned by the Fates: you shall reign (supreme) with Caesar following (you). Whether he will have led (before him), subdued in a just triumph, the Parthians threatening Italy (lit. Latium), or the Chinese and Indians dwelling close to the Eastern edge of (the earth), he shall rule the wide world with equity, (though) subordinate to you (lit. less than you); you will shake Olympus with your tremendous chariot, (and) you will despatch hostile thunderbolts against the polluted (lit. insufficiently pure) groves.

Carmen XIII.  To Lydia.  (Second Asclepiad metre.)  A poem on the theme of unrequited love and the jealousy of a man, to whom a younger man is preferred. Whether the Lydia, to whom this ode is addressed, is identical to the Lydia of Carmen VIII is unclear. 

Lydia, when you praise Telephus' rosy neck and Telephus' waxy arms, alas, my boiling liver swells with angry bile. Then, neither my mind nor the colour of my (complexion) stays in a settled state, and a teardrop glides secretly down my cheeks, proving how I am wasting away from within by slowly(-consuming) fires. I am on fire, whether quarrels, (rendered) immoderate by wine, have scarred your snow-white shoulders, or whether the youth, in his frenzy, has impressed with his teeth a souvenir mark on your lips. If you would (only) listen to me, you would not hope (that he will be) constant who barbarously bruises (lit. barbarously bruising) your sweet lips, which Venus has imbued with a  fifth part of her nectar. Thrice and more (than thrice) happy (are those) whom an unbroken bond holds (together), and (whom) no love, torn asunder by ill-natured recriminations, will release sooner than their dying (lit. very last) day.

Carmen XIV.  To the Roman ship of state.  (Fourth Asclepiad metre.)  The sense of this ode probably operates at two levels. On the one hand, the ship of state shattered by civil wars is depicted as in danger of drifting back into such rough waters. On the other hand, the poem may also be referring to the real storms which, according to Suetonius, afflicted Octavian's fleet while it was seeking to return to Italy after the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. 

O ship, fresh waves will carry you back to sea! O what are you doing? Boldly hasten to reach harbour! Do you not see how your side (is) stripped of oars, and your mast (is) damaged by the swift South Wind, and (how) your yard-arms groan, and your hull can scarcely withstand the too tyrannous surface of the sea without ropes? You do not have (lit. There are not to you) unimpaired sails, nor are the gods, whom you call, overwhelmed once more by disaster, however much you, (as) the daughter of a noble wood, may boast of your Pontic pine and an unavailing race and name; the timorous sailor in no way relies upon painted sterns. Do you, unless (you are) due to be sport for the winds, beware. (O you) who (were) lately (a cause of) disquieting weariness to me, (but are) now (a cause of) yearning and no slight sollicitude, may you avoid the seas flowing among the shining Cyclades.

Carmen XV.  To Paris.  (Third Asclepiad metre.)  In a poem, more Homeric in tone and content than is usual with Horace, Paris is stopped on his journey back to Troy with Helen by the sea-god Nereus, who accurately prophesies the war between Trojans and Greeks which will be the outcome of Paris' seduction. 

When the perfidious shepherd (i.e. Paris) was carrying off his hostess Helen across the sea in ships of Ida (i.e Trojan ships), Nereus suppressed the winds in an unwelcome calm, so that he might recite in prophecy the stern (decrees of) fate: " With an unlucky omen (lit. bird) are you leading home (her) whom Greece with a numerous army shall seek to bring back, sworn to break up your nuptials and the ancient kingdom of Priam. Alas, alas, how great a sweat for horses, how great (a sweat) for men is at hand! How great a ruin are you setting in motion for the Dardan (i..e. Trojan) race! Already Pallas (i.e. Athena) is making ready her helmet and her shield and her chariot and her wrath. Vainly confident in the protection of Venus, will you comb your hair, and set to music songs pleasing to women on the unwarlike lyre, in vain will you, in your bridal-chamber, avoid the grievous spears and the points of the Cnosian (i.e. Cretan) arrow, and the din (of battle), and Ajax, swift in pursuit (lit. to pursue): nevertheless, alas, (though) late, you will defile your adulterous locks in the dust. Do you not see the son of Laertes (i.e. Ulysses), (do you) not (see) Pylian Nestor, (as) the ruin of your race? Salaminian Teucer, and Sthenelus, skilful in battle, or, if there is a need to manage horses, no mean charioteer, are pressing upon you fearlessly: you will also learn of Meriones. Behold, the fierce son of Tydeus (i.e. Diomedes), a better (man) than his father, is burning to find you, (a man) from whom you shall flee, as a stag, unmindful of the grass, timid with panting (head) uplifted, (shall flee from) the wolf (he has) seen on the other side of the valley, not such (as) you promised to your (mistress). The enraged fleet of Achilles will put off the (fatal) day for Ilium (i.e. Troy) and the matrons of the Phrygians (i.e. the Trojans); after a fixed (number of) winters, Achaean (i.e. Greek) fire will burn the palaces of Ilium (i.e. Troy)."

Carmen XVI.  To a young lady, whom Horace had previously offended.  (Alcaic metre.)  This ode is a 'palinode' or 'recantation', that is, a poem apologising for, or disowning, a previous attack.

O daughter, more beautiful than your beautiful mother, put whatever limit you wish to my slanderous iambics,  whether in the flames or, if it pleases you, in the Adriatic sea. Neither Dindymene (i.e. Cybele), nor the Pythian inhabitant (i.e. Apollo) in his innermost sanctuaries, nor Liber (i.e. Bacchus), shakes the mind of their  priests so much, nor do the Corybantes dash their sharp(-sounding) cymbals with such effect, as (do) the bitter (outbursts of) passion, which neither a Noric sword, nor the ship-wrecking sea, nor the cruel conflagration, nor Jupiter, hurtling (down) himself with a tremendous crash, can deter. Prometheus is said to (have been) compelled to add to our primordial clay a particle cut out from every (animal), and to have attached the force of the raging lion to our breast (lit. stomach), (outbursts of) rage laid low Thyestes in terrible ruin, and for towering cities have stood (as) the primary (lit. farthest back) reasons why they have utterly perished, and an arrogant army impressed a hostile ploughshare within its walls. Curb your temper: ardour of breast assailed me also in my sweet youth and drove (lit. sent) (me) in my rage into headstrong (lit. swift) iambics; now I am seeking to change bitter (words) to sweet (ones), provided that, my abusive (words) having been recanted, you become friendly to me, and restore your affection (lit. heart) (to me).

Carmen XVII.  To Tyndaris.  (Alcaic metre.)  Horace invites Tyndaris to visit his Sabine farm, presented to him as a gift by Maecenas in about 34 B.C. Tyndaris is an imaginary woman, and may mean Helen, who was the daughter of Tyndareus. 

The nimble (lit. swift) Faunus often exchanges the pleasant Lucretilis (i.e. a mountain above Horace's Sabine farm, now Monte Gennaro) for the Lycaean (mountain) (i..e. in Arcadia), and continually wards off the fiery summer and the rainy winds from my she-goats. The wandering wives of an unsavoury husband seek the hidden strawberry-trees and thymes unharmed, through the secure grove, neither do the little kids fear the green snakes nor the wolves sacred to Mars, whenever, my Tyndaris, the valleys and the smooth rocks of low-lying Ustica have resounded with his melodious pipe. The gods protect me, (and) my piety and my Muse are dear to the gods. Here, abundance, rich in the glories of the countryside, shall flow for you with her generous horn filled to the brim (lit. to the full). Here, in a secluded vale, you shall avoid the heat of the Dog-star, and on your Teian string (i.e. the lyre of Anacreon) you shall celebrate (lit. speak of) Penelope and glassy-green Circe, striving for (the love of) one (and the same man); here, under the shade, you will quaff cups of harmless Lesbian (wine), nor will the Semelian son of Thyone (i.e. Bacchus) join in battle with Mars, nor, having come under suspicion, will you fear the headstrong Cyrus, lest he should lay his intemperate hands (upon you who are) badly matched (with him), and (lest) he should rend the garland, entwined in your hair, and your unoffending garment.

Carmen XVIII.  To Varus.  (Greater Asclepiad metre.)  Horace extols the pleasures, but also warns of the dangers, of drinking wine. The addressee is probably the patrician Quinctilius Varus, a friend of both Horace and Virgil, and a respected literary critic. 

(O) Varus, you can plant no tree preferable to (lit. earlier than) the sacred vine about the fruitful soil of Tibur and the walls of Catilus (i.e. the legendary founder of Tibur). For god has declared everything to be hard for the sober, nor do gnawing anxieties disperse otherwise. Who, after wine, harps on about hard campaigning or poverty? Who (does) not rather (celebrate) you, father Bacchus, and you, comely Venus? But, lest anyone transgresses the gifts of moderate Liber (i.e. Bacchus), the combat of the Centaurs with the Lapiths, fought over the wine, is a warning (to us), and Euhius, not gentle (i.e. very severe) to the Sithonians (i.e. the people of Thrace), when, in their appetite for lechery, they (only) distinguish between right and wrong by a narrow margin, is a warning (to us). I shall not arouse you, O open-hearted (lit. fair) Bassareus (i.e. Bacchus, the wearer of the fox-skin) against your will. Check your dire cymbals (together) with your Berecynthian (i.e. Phrygian) horn, in whose train follow blind Love of self, and Vainglory, holding up her empty head far to much, and empty Faith, prodigal of secrets, more transparent than glass.

Carmen XIX.  To Glycera. (Second Asclepiad metre.)  To his surprise, Horace has fallen in love again, not a frivolous flirtation but the real thing, and he appeals to the Goddess of Love for help.

The cruel mother of the Cupids (i.e. Venus), and the son of Theban Semele (i.e. Bacchus), and wanton Licence, command me to restore my attention to ended love-affairs. The radiance of Glycera, shining more brightly than Parian marble, inflames me; her charming petulance and her countenance, too dazzling (lit. slippery) to be beheld, inflames (me). Venus, hurtling (down) upon me with her full force, has quitted Cyprus, and does not suffer (me) to celebrate (lit. tell of) the Scythians, or the Parthian, courageous on  his retreating horses (lit. his horses having been turned around), or (things) which are of no importance at all. Here, slaves, place freshly-cut (lit. live) turf for me, here (place) vervain and frankincense, with a flagon of two-year old wine: she (i.e. Venus) will come more propitiously, a victim having been sacrificed.

Carmen XX.  To Maecenas  (Sapphic metre.)  Horace invites his patron Maecenas to visit him at his Sabine farm, but warns him not to expect wine of the very highest quality. 

My dear knight Maecenas, (in my house) you shall drink cheap Sabine (wine) in simple goblets, which, bottled (lit. stored) in a Grecian cask, I myself sealed (with pitch), (on the day) when (such) applause was given to you in the theatre (i.e. the theatre of Pompey on the Campus Martius) that the banks of your ancestral river (i.e. the Tiber), together also with the joyous echo of the Vatican hill, returned your praises. Then, you may drink the Caecuban (wine) and the grape (which is) crushed in the Calenian wine-press; (but) neither Falernian vines nor the Formian hills season my cups.

Carmen XXI.  To a chorus of boys and girls, on Diana and Apollo.  (Fourth Asclepiad metre.)  Instructions to a mixed choir of boys and girls for a hymn in honour of Diana and Apollo as averting deities.

(You) tender virgins, sing of Diana, (you) boys, sing of unshorn Apollo, and (of) Latona, deeply beloved by supreme Jupiter. You (virgins praise her) as she rejoices (lit. rejoicing) in the rivers and in the foliage of the groves, whatever projects either from the cold Algidus, or from the gloomy Erymanthus, or from the green woods of Cragus; you (boys) extol with the same number of praises (the vale of) Tempe, and Apollo's native Delos, and (the god) adorned in respect of his shoulder by a quiver and his brother's (i.e. Mercury's) lyre. Moved by your prayer, he shall drive (away) lamentable war, he (shall drive away) wretched famine and pestilence  from the (Roman) people and their leader, Caesar (i.e. Octavian), towards the Persians and the Britons.

Carmen XXII.  To Aristius Fuscus.  (Sapphic metre.)  The theme of this ode is the immunity which lovers enjoy from the dangers which threaten the lives of ordinary men. 

(The man) upright of life, and pure of wickedness, (O) Fuscus, is not in need of Moorish javelins, or a bow, or a quiver heavy with poisoned darts, whether he is about to make his journey through the sweltering Syrtes, or through the inhospitable Caucasus, or those places which the fabled Hydaspes washes. For indeed, while I was singing of my Lalage, and I was wandering beyond my boundary, devoid of cares (lit. the [bonds of] care having been loosened), a wolf fled from me, (though I was) unarmed. Such a monster as neither the warlike Daunias (i.e. Apulia) nourishes in its spacious oak-woods, nor the land of Juba (i.e. Numidia), the dry nurse of lions, produces. Place me in those barren plains where no tree is refreshed by the summer breeze, that part of the world which clouds and an inclement sky (lit. unkind Jupiter) oppress; place (me) under the chariot of the too close sun in a land deprived of (human) habitations: (there) I shall love my sweet-laughing, sweet-talking Lalage.

Carmen XXIII.  To Chloe.  (Fourth Asclepiad metre.)  A girl of marriageable age is encouraged not to cling to her mother's apron-strings. 

You shun me, Chloe, like a fawn seeking its timorous mother in the trackless mountains, not without a vain dread of the breezes and the thickets. For she trembles both in her heart and in her knees, whether the arrival of spring has made the rustling leaves shiver, or the green lizards have parted the brake asunder. And yet, I do not pursue you like an enraged tigress or a Gaetulian (i.e. North-West African) lion to tear (you to pieces): at last, cease to follow your mother, (now that you are) ready for a husband.

Carmen XXIV.  To Virgil, in memory of Quinctilius Varus.  (Third Asclepiad metre.)  Horace addresses this ode to his fellow-poet Virgil on the death of their common friend Quinctilius Varus, who died in 24 B.C. and who was probably the same man to whom Horace addressed Ode XVIII above.  

What shame or limit can there be to my yearning for so dear a life? (O) Melopomene (i.e. the Muse of Tragic Poetry), on whom your father (i.e. Jupiter) has bestowed a clear voice and (lit. with) a lyre, teach (me) the mournful strains. So, eternal sleep lies heavy on Quinctilius! When will Shame and incorruptible Faith, the sister of Justice, and naked Truth find any equal to him? He died, lamented by many good (men), (but) more lamented by no one than by you, Virgil. Alas, you, pious in vain, demand Quinctilius from the gods, (though he was) not entrusted to them on such terms. But (even) if you were to strike the lyre-string, heard by the trees, more sweetly than the Thracian Orpheus, (yet) the blood cannot return to the empty shade, which Mercury, not easily (persuaded) by prayers to open the (gates of the) Fates, has once (and for all) driven with his dreadful staff (i.e. his caducaeus) to the gloomy flock. (It is) hard: but whatever is forbidden (to us) to amend becomes more bearable (lit. easier) with patience.

Carmen XXV.  To Lydia.  (Sapphic metre.)  A somewhat coarsely-phrased ode, warning a woman who now displays haughty contempt to her would-be lovers that, when she is older, and yet retains the passions of her youth, she will meet a similar response from them.

The wanton youths shake your closed windows with frequent handfuls (lit. throwings) (of stones) more sparingly, nor take away your sleep, and your door, which formerly moved its hinges very easily, (now) hugs (lit. loves) its threshold; now do you hear less and less: "Lydia, do you sleep (all) night long, with me, your (lover) dying?" In your turn, you will bewail these arrogant rakes, an old baggage in a deserted alleyway, with the wind from Thrace raging more towards the time of the new moon, when that hot desire and lust, which is wont to madden the dams of horses, shall rage about your diseased heart (lit. ulcerous liver), not without complaint, because joyous youth revels rather in green ivy and dusky myrtle, (and) dedicates withered leaves to winter's companion, the Hebrus.

Carmen XXVI.  To the Muse of Pimplea, in honour of Aelius Lamia.  (Alcaic metre.) In this elegant poem, Horace advises once more that the cares of the world should be left behind, while he writes poetry of a new and exciting kind to honour his friend.    

A friend to the Muses, I shall deliver up grief and fears to the wanton winds to carry into the Cretan sea, (I who am) singularly indifferent (as to) who is feared (as) king of the frosty region beneath the Bear (i.e. the remote North), or what frightens Tiridates. O sweet (Muse) of Pimplea (i.e. the site of the Pierian spring near Mount Olympus), who rejoices in untouched springs, weave (together) sunny flowers, (and) weave a garland for my Lamia! Without you, the honours of my (bestowing) avail (me) nothing: to immortalise him with strings not heard before (lit. new), (to immortalise) him with a Lesbian plectrum, becomes both you and your sisters.

Carmen XXVII.  To his companions.  (Alcaic metre.) A playful sketch of an imaginary scene at a wine-drinking party; after the poet has reproached his guests for their rowdy behaviour, he attempts to defuse the situation by teasing one of them about his latest love-affair.  

To fight with cups, meant (lit. born) as an aid to pleasure, is (a characteristic of) the Thracians: away with this barbaric custom, and protect moderate Bacchus from bloody brawling! How utterly the scimitar of the Medes is at variance with wine and candles: (O) my companions, still your impious clamour, and stay in your place with your elbow pressed (into your couch)! Do you wish me also to take my share of the stout Falernian? (Then) let the brother of Opuntian Megilla declare by what wound, (and) with what arrow he is dying, a happy (victim). Does your will falter? I will not drink upon any other condition. Whatever mistress (lit. Venus) rules you, she scorches (you) with flames (which you do) not need to be ashamed of, and you always err with a straightforward  (lit. free-born) love. Come, confide whatever (case) you have to safe ears. Ah, unhappy youth, with what a (terrible) Charybdis were you struggling, (though) worthy of a better flame! What witch, what magician with a Thessalian potion, what deity, will be able to set you free? Pegasus will scarcely deliver you from the triple-shaped Chimera, (once you have been) entangled (by it).

Carmen XXVIII.  To Archytas, and then to a sailor who happens to be travelling past.  (Second Archilochean metre.)  This ode, cast in the form of a monologue,  is particularly difficult to interpret, and is unusual, because for once the speaker is not Horace himself, but the ghost of an unknown sailor, drowned and washed up on the Apulian coast near to the tomb of Archytas, a famous Fifth Century B.C. philosopher and mathematician from Tarentum, to whom the speaker's thoughts are initially addressed.  The initial theme is that we are all equal in death, no matter how eminent we are. Then the poem shifts to an entreaty to any passing traveller, who comes across a corpse on the seashore, that he should make the time to bury it and thus free its soul from having to range the earth.

The petty gifts of a little dust near the Matine shore (i.e. the site of Archytas' tomb, near Venusia in Apulia) confines you, (O) Archytas, mindful of sea and earth and sand lacking number, nor does it profit you in any way to have essayed the celestial regions and to have traversed the round world in your mind, (since you were) doomed to die. The father of Pelops (i.e. Tantalus), the guest of the gods, also died, and Tithonus (was) removed to the skies (lit. the breezes), and Minos (was) admitted to the secrets of Jupiter, and the Tartarean (regions) possess the son of Panthous (i.e. the Trojan Euphorbus whose soul Pythagoras believed he had received through transmigration) having been sent down to Orcus again, however much, having borne witness to Trojan times, his shield having been taken down, he had yielded nothing to gloomy death beyond his sinews and skin, in your opinion (lit. with you [as] judge) no mean expounder of nature and truth. But the same (lit. one) night awaits (us) all, and the road of death must be trod once (and for all). The Furies give some (as) a spectacle to gloomy Mars; the greedy sea is (the cause of) ruin to sailors; the mingled funerals of old men and youths are crowded together, (and) the cruel Proserpina has never passed by any head. The South Wind, the impetuous companion of the setting (lit. downrushing) Orion has sunk me also in the Illyrian waves. But do you not spare, (O) sailor, to give grudgingly a small portion of shifting sand to my bones and my unburied head: on this condition (lit. thus), whatever the East Wind will threaten with regard to the Hesperian (i.e. Western) seas, may the woods of Venusia be lashed, with you (being) safe, and may a large profit, from whatever (quarter) it can (come), flow down to you from a favourably disposed Jupiter and from Neptune, the founder of sacred Tarentum. Do you consider it a light thing to take upon yourself the (guilt of a) crime (that) will be harmful to your innocent offspring in the future? By chance too, may the debt to justice (lit. laws withheld) and haughty retribution (lit. a return of arrogance) await you yourself: I will not be left in the lurch (lit. deserted) by useless prayers, and no expiations will absolve you. Although you are in haste, there is no long delay; the dust having been cast three times, it will be permitted that you may proceed (lit. run).

Carmen XXIX.  To Iccius.  (Alcaic.)  Horace expresses surprise that Iccius, a man with a reputation for an interest in philosophy, should have volunteered for a campaign in Arabia.

(O) Iccius, do you now envy the rich treasures of the Arabians, and are you preparing for a fierce campaign against the Sabaean kings, not previously conquered, and forging (lit. weaving) fetters for the dreaded Mede? What barbarian maiden will be a slave to you, her betrothed having been slain? What boy from the court, with his perfumed locks, having been taught to shoot Chinese arrows from his father's bow, shall be appointed as your cup-bearer (lit. to your ladle)? Who will deny that descending rivers can flow backwards up high mountains, and that the Tiber can reverse its flow, since you are intending to exchange the noble books of Panaetius, collected from all parts, and the Socratic school (lit. house), for Iberian (i.e. Spanish) breastplates, having promised better (things)?

Carmen XXX.  To Venus.  (Sapphic metre.)  An elegantly worded address to Venus in which the goddess's help is sought on behalf of Glycera, who may perhaps have been one of Horace's lovers.

O Venus, queen of Cnidos (i.e. a town in Caria with a temple to Venus) and  Paphos (i.e. a town in Cyprus, sacred to Venus), scorn your beloved Cyprus and take up residence in (lit. betake [yourself] to) the beautiful temple of Glycera, (who is) invoking you with much frankincense. Let your glowing son (i.e. Cupid) hasten (along) with you, as well as the Graces, with their girdles loosened, and the Nymphs, and Youth, with too little charm without you, and Mercury (i..e. as the God of Speech and Persuasion).

Carmen  XXXI.  To Apollo.  (Alcaic metre.)  The occasion of this prayer to Apollo was the formal dedication of Augustus' splendid new temple to the god on the Palatine in 28 B.C. built in commemoration of his victory at Actium in 31 B.C. In this ode, the only one in which Horace claims the status of  "vates", i.e. seer or bard, he prays nor for rich estates, as an ordinary man might do, but for the simple capacity to enjoy what he has in good health, both physical and mental.  

What does the bard ask of Apollo, (just) enshrined? What does he pray for, as he pours (lit. pouring) a fresh libation? Not the fruitful harvest fields of fertile Sardinia, not the pleasing herds of sultry Calabria, not gold or Indian ivory, not those rural estates which the silent river Liris eats into with its slow-flowing current (lit. gentle water). Let (those) to whom fortune has granted a vine, prune (it) with a Calenian sickle, and let the wealthy merchant drain from the golden goblets the wines acquired in exchange for Syrian merchandise, (being) dear to the gods themselves, since he revisits the Atlantic sea three or (lit. and) four times a year with impunity. Olives nourish me, chicory and soft mallows (nourish) me. (O) son of Latona, grant to me, both in good health and, I pray, with my mind unimpaired, to enjoy (what I) have at hand (lit. ready), and that I do not pass a shameful old age, nor (one) bereft of a lyre.

Carmen XXXII.  To his lyre.  (Sapphic metre.)  Here Horace prays to Apollo for the inspiration to write poems, in the tradition of Alcaeus, that will last. 

We are called upon (to perform). If (ever), in an idle moment (lit. devoid [of duties]) in the shade with you, we have played anything, which may last (lit. live) both for this (present) year and more, come, utter a Latin ode, (O) my lyre, first tuned by a Lesbian citizen (i.e. Alcaeus), who fierce in war (though he was), yet, (whether) amid the (clash of) arms, or if he had moored his tossed ship to the sea-washed shore, sang of Liber (i.e. Bacchus), and the Muses, and Venus, and her son (i.e. Cupid), ever clinging to her (side), and Lycus, handsome (as he was) with his dark eyes and his black hair. O glory of Phoebus (i.e. Apollo) and  tortoise-shell (lyre), welcome even at the banquets of supreme Jupiter, O sweet alleviator of toils, hearken to (lit. hail) me whenever (I am) duly invoking (you).  

Carmen XXXIII.  To Albius Tibullus.  (Third Asclepiad metre.)  Horace seeks to console his friend and fellow-poet Tibullus, who has been jilted for a younger man. 

Do not grieve too much more, Albius, mindful of cruel Glycera, nor sing through to the end your mournful elegies, (asking) why, her faith having been broken,  a younger (man) outshines you. Love of Cyrus inflames Lycoris, distinguished for her low (lit. narrow) forehead, Cyrus inclines towards the rough Pholoe; but she-goats shall sooner be united with Apulian wolves than Pholoe shall sin with a base paramour. Such is the will of (lit. it has seemed good to) Venus, whom it pleases, as (lit. with) a cruel joke, to despatch ill-matched shapes and temperaments under the brazen yoke (i.e. matrimony). (As) for me myself, when a more suitable (lit. better) mistress (lit. Venus) was wooing (lit. seeking) (me), the freedwoman Myrtale, (who is)  fiercer than the waves of the Adriatic indenting the Calabrian bays, has detained (me) in welcome fetters.

Carmen XXXIV.  Against the Epicureans.  (Alcaic metre.)  Horace seems generally to have adopted a sceptical attitude towards the gods, but in the following ode he indicates that he has been given food for thought by the phenomenon of thunder coming from a cloudless sky. 

A sparing and infrequent worshipper of the gods, while I strayed, adept in a foolish philosophy, I am now obliged to set sail (lit. to give my sails [to the wind]) back again and renew my abandoned course: for Jupiter, usually cleaving the clouds with flashing fire, (lately) drove his thundering horses and swift chariot through a clear (sky), by which the sluggish earth and the wandering rivers, by which the Styx, and the dread seat of hateful Taenarus (i.e. the cave at Cape Matapan reputed to be the entrance to the Underworld), and the boundary of Atlas (i.e. the Atlas Mountains in North West Africa and the Pillars of Hercules),e shaken. The deity is able to exchange the lowest with the highest, and to diminish the exalted (man), bringing the obscure to light; rapacious Fortune, with a shrill whistling, has (ever) lifted the crown from one head and rejoices to have placed (it) on another.

Carmen XXXV.  To Fortune.  (Alcaic metre.)  A formal hymn of praise of the goddess Fortuna, invoking her protection for Augustus' planned expedition to Britain, which was being considered in 27 B.C. but never happened, and the Arabian campaign, led by Aelius Gallus, which did take place in 26  B.C. but ended disastrously. Curiously the goddess is not named at the beginning of the poem or even later on, but we can identify Fortuna as the addressee of the hymn because of the reference in the opening line to Antium, where there was a temple dedicated to her.  

O goddess, who rules Antium (i.e. a town in Latium), agreeable (to you), being ready (and able) to exalt a mortal man (lit. body) from the lowest rank, or to convert proud triumphs to funerals, the poor husbandman from the countryside courts you with anxious prayer, (and) whoever braves (lit. challenges) the Carpathian sea (i.e. the part of the Aegean between Crete and Rhodes) with a Bithynian vessel (courts) you (as) mistress of the sea. You the rough Dacian, you the roving Scythians, and cities, and nations, and warlike Latium (too), and the mothers of barbarian kings (e.g. Atossa, the mother of Xerxes), and tyrants clad in purple, fear, lest with insulting foot you should overthrow the standing pillar (of the state), and lest the thronging populace should rouse (even) the hesitating to arms, to arms, and break their sceptre (lit. power). Cruel Necessity always precedes you, carrying in her brazen hand house-beam spikes and wedges, nor is the unyielding clamp and molten (lit. liquid) lead absent. Hope and uncommon Fidelity, clad in a white cloth, attend upon you, nor refuse (to act as) your companion, whenever, your robe having been changed, in your hostility you abandon the mansions of the powerful. But the faithless crowd (of your companions) and the perjured harlot draw back, and, the casks (together) with the dregs having been drained, your friends disperse, (too) treacherous to bear equally the yoke (of adversity). May you preserve Caesar (i.e. Augustus), intending to go (on an expedition) against the Britons, the furthest (people) in the world, and (also) the freshly (levied) troop of young men, worthy to be dreaded in Eastern regions and in the Red Sea. Alas, I am ashamed of (lit. it shames [me] in respect of) the scars and the wickedness of brothers. What (acts) did we, a hardened generation (lit. age), shrink from? What unutterable (act) did we leave untouched? From what (acts) did our youth restrain its hand, through fear of the gods? What altars did it spare? O would that you could reforge our blunted swords on a new anvil (for use) against the Massagetae and the Arabians!

Carmen XXXVI.  In honour of the returning Numida.  (Second Asclepiad metre.)  A poem commemorating a welcome-home party for Horace's friend Plotius Numida, who had been campaigning in Spain with Augustus, and probably returned to Rome with him in 25 B.C. 

It is pleasing to sacrifice with incense and with lyre-strings, and with the due blood of a heifer, to the gods, (who are) the guardians of Numida, who now safely (returning) from remotest Hesperia (i.e. North-West Spain) gives (lit. distributes) many a kiss to his dear companions, but to no one more than to sweet Lamia, mindful of his boyhood spent with none other (as) a leader, and of the toga changed together. Let not this splendid day be without a Cretan mark (of distinction) (i.e. one of white chalk), nor (let there be) a limit to the wine-jar brought forth (from the loft) nor, in accordance with Salic custom let there be rest for the feet, nor let Damalis, that heavy drinker (lit. of much wine), surpass Bassus in the Thracian sconce, nor let roses or the evergreen celery or the short(-lived) lily be wanting to the banquet. Everyone will fix their melting (lit. crumbling) eyes on Damalis, but Damalis, clinging more closely than the wanton ivy, will not be separated from her new paramour (i.e. Numida).

Carmen XXXVII.  To his companions.  (Alcaic metre.)  A poem written in some excitement in 30 B.C. when the news arrived in Rome of Octavian's great victory at Actium over the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in the previous year. Horace rejoices in the downfall of the Egyptian queen, but makes no mention of Antony, and thus ignores the reality that this had been a civil war.  

Now it is right (for wine) to be drunk, now the ground (is) due to be pounded with a light (lit. free) foot, now, (O my) companions, would be the time to adorn the couch of the gods with Salian feasts. Before this, (it would have been) impious to bring forth the Caecuban (wine) from one's ancestral storerooms, so long as the queen (i.e. Cleopatra), with her filthy gang of men, (rendered) hideous through disease (i.e. her eunuchs), was planning mad ruin for the Capitol and destruction for our empire, (being) mad (lit. uncontrolled) (enough) to hope for anything, and intoxicated with good fortune. But the escape of scarcely one ship (lit. one ship [being] scarcely safe) from the flames diminished her frenzy, and Caesar (i.e. Octavian) brought her mind, crazed with Mareotic (i.e. Egyptian) (wine), back to real fears, as he pursued (lit.  pursuing) (her) fleeing from Italy with his galleys (lit. oars), as a hawk (pursues) tender doves or a swift hunter (pursues) a hare in the plains of snowy Haemonia (i.e. Thessaly), that he might throw (lit. give) into chains that fatal monster (of a woman): she, seeking to die more nobly, neither shuddered at the sword in womanly fashion, nor did she, with her swift fleet, take in exchange secluded shores. She also ventured, with a calm countenance, to visit her palace lying (in ruins), and, brave (woman as she was), to handle the aroused (lit. fierce) snake, so that she might imbibe in her body its deadly (lit. black) poison, more fiercely (defiant), her death having been determined (by her), and, (being) no humble woman, doubtless grudging the ruthless Liburnian (vessels) that she be conducted, (as) a private (person), in an overbearing triumph.

Carmen XXXVIII.  To his servant.  (Sapphic metre.)  Simplicity of life-style, related closely to his love of the countryside, was a matter of personal preference for Horace.

Boy, I detest Persian splendour, (and) garlands woven with (the inner bark of) the linden-tree displease (me): cease seeking in what place the late rose lingers. I care not that you diligently add with toil anything to plain myrtle: myrtle is unbecoming neither to you (as) a servant, nor to me drinking under this close-leaved vine.


Quodsi me lyricis vatibus inseres / sublimi feriam sidera vertice:  But if you rank me among the lyric poets, I shall bump against the stars with my exalted head. (I. 35-36)

Illi robur et ses triplex / circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci / commisit pelago ratem / primus:  There was oak and triple brass around the heart of him who first committed a fragile craft to the merciless ocean. (I. 9-12)

Audax omnia perpeti / gens humana ruit per vetitum nefas:  The human race, presumptuous (enough)  to endure everything, rushes on through forbidden wickedness. (III. 25-26)

Nil mortalibus ardui est:  Nothing is (too) arduous for mortal men (to attempt). (III. 37)

Pallida Mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas / regumque turres:  Pale Death kicks at the cottages of the poor and the the towers of kings with an impartial foot. (IV. 13-14)

Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat inchoare longam:  The short sum total of our life forbids us to form long expectations. (IV. 15)

Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa / perfusus liquidis urget odoribus / grata, Pyrrha, sub antro? /  cui flavam religas comam, amplex munditiis?:  What slender youth, steeped in liquid perfume, woos you, Pyrrha, amid many a rose deep inside this pleasant grotto? For whom do you, simple in your elegance, bind back your golden hair? (V. 1-5)

Nil desperandum Teucro duce et auspice Teucro:  Nothing is to be despaired of, with Teucer (as) your leader, and with Teucer (as) taker of the auspices.  (VII. 27)

Cras ingens iterabimus aequor:  Tomorrow we will again traverse the vast ocean. (VII. 32)

Permittte divis cetera:  Leave the rest to the gods.  (IX. 9)

Quid sit futurum cras, fuge querere et, / quem Fors dierum cunque dabit, lucro / appone:  Avoid asking what may happen tomorrow, and what Fortune may bestow (upon you) put down to profit. (IX. 13-15)

Tu ne quaesiris, scire nefas:  Do you not enquire, it is wrong to know. (XI. 1)

Dum loquimur, fugerit invida / aetas: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero:  While we speak, jealous age will have fled : seize (lit. pluck) the day, trusting as little as possible to the morrow. (XI. 8)

Felices ter et amplius, / quos irrupta tenet copula nec malis / divolsus querimoniis / suprema citius solvet amor die:  Happy and more (than thrice) happy (are those) whom an unbroken bond holds (together), and (whom) no love torn asunder by ill-natured recriminations, will release no sooner than their dying (lit. very last) day.

O matre pulchra filia pulchrior:  O daughter more beautiful than your beautiful mother. (XVI. 1)

Integer vitae sceleris purus:  (The man) upright of life and pure of wickedness. (XXII. 1)

Dulce ridentem Lalagen amabo / dulce loquentem:  (There) I shall love my sweet-laughing, sweet-talking Lalage. (XXII. 23-24)

Quis desiderio sit pudor at modus / tam cari capitis?:  What shame or limit can there be to my yearning for so dear a life? (XXIV. 1-2)

Valet imis summis / mutare et insignem attenuat deus:  The deity is able to exchange the lowest with the highest, and to diminish the exalted (man). (XXXIV. 12-13)

Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libero / pulsanda tellus:  Now it is right (for wine) to be drunk, now the ground (is) due to be pounded with a light (lit. free) foot. (XXXVII. 1-2)

Persicos odi, puer, apparatus:  Boy, I detest Persian splendour. (XXXVIII. 1)

Friday, 3 February 2012



Sabidius has previously translated a number of selected poems from Horace's "Odes", Book III (see the item on this blogspot dated 28 September 2010 both for these and for a short introduction on Horace). Horace (full name Quintus Horatius Flaccus), who lived between 65 and 8 B.C., is best known for his "Odes", the first three books of which he wrote between 30 and 23 B.C. in a variety of metres in imitation of the Greek lyric poets. Prior to this, i.e. between 41 and 31 B.C., he wrote his "Sermones" or 'Satires', a book of satirical poems written in hexameters, in which he follows the satirist Lucilius (180-102 B.C.) in writing about contemporary life, including his own, and on human nature in general, and also his "Epodes", which were a precursor of his more famous "Odes", about which H.H. Scullard writes as follows in  his "From the Gracchi to Nero", pp.246-7: "In the first six odes of the third book in particular, the so-called 'Roman Odes', he expounded the the traditional virtues of the race and nobly reflected Augustus' policy of social regeneration; though an Epicurean, he applauded frugality and the simple life. Other themes are less solemn, such as love and wine, but are all clothed in an unparalled economy and charm of language." Subsequent to 23 B.C., and with his reputation fully established, he wrote the "Carmen Saeculare", a long poem, sung by boys and girls on the Capitol and the Palatine at the centennial celebration of the 'Ludi Saeculares' in 17 B.C., and a Fourth Book of "Odes", published in 13 B.C. at the request of the Emperor Augustus. Other works, written in hexameters, were his two books of "Epistulae", written between 20 and 12 B.C., which express his maturer views on life and philosophy, and his "Ars Poetica", a book of literary criticism, probably written in about 20 B.C. To quote Scullard once more: "The wide appeal of his attractive and balanced personality, the shrewdness, if not the depths, of his comments on human nature, and the skill of metre and diction in which they were clothed, have alike combined to ensure his perennial attraction."

In his works, Horace does make many references to the events and circumstances of his own life, and these allow us to form some understanding of his career, and give us some insight into his personality. Translated below are a number of extracts in which Horace writes about himself and his views on life. These are taken from the book "Horace on Himself, selections from the Poems of Horace illustrating his Life and Character", edited by A.H. Nash-Williams, M.A., B.A., and published in the Alpha Classics series by G.Bell & Sons, 1962.

I.  My father.

The following two extracts concern Horace's debt to his father, who, although a freedman with limited means, made it his priority to provide his son with a privileged education, and personally oversaw that he was brought up against a background of traditional morality. 

a.  Satires I. vi. 65-89. Metre: Hexameter.

But yet,  if my disposition is faulty due to some moderate  flaws and (only) a few (of these), but is otherwise perfect, just as if you would find fault with moles scattered over a fine body, if no one can truthfully charge me either with avarice or sordidness or wicked debauchery, and, if I live, pure and innocent (to give myself some considerable praise) and dear to my friends, the cause of these things was my father, who, (though) a poor man on a lean smallholding, was unwilling to send me to Flavius' school, where great boys sprung from great centurions, having hung a satchel and a writing-tablet from their left arm, were used to go, each carrying eight (asses) of bronze on the Ides (i.e. the day when payment was due): but he dared to bring (me as) a boy to Rome, to be taught the accomplishments which any knight and senator that you please can teach their offspring (lit. those sprung from themselves). If anyone had seen my clothing and the slaves attending (me), as (he might have) in a large (throng of) people, if he would thought that those expenses were supplied out of (some) ancestral estate. (My father) himself, the most faithful guardian to me, was present around all of my teachers. Why (should I say) much (more)? He kept (me) chaste, which (is) the first noble quality of virtue, not only from every (shameful) deed, but also (from every) disgraceful allegation; nor was he afraid lest someone should assign (it) to him as a fault, if I were, some day, to pursue limited rewards (as) an auctioneer or (as) a tax-collector, as he was himself. Nor should I have complained (if that had been the case), and on this (account) is praise now due to him, and greater gratitude from me. (While I am) in my right mind, I can in no way be ashamed (lit. it can in no way repent me in respect) of such a father ...

b.  Satires I. iv. 105-121.  Metre: Hexameter.

My excellent father accustomed me to this (practice), (namely) that, by noting each one of the vices, I might avoid (them) by means of examples. When he exhorted me to live modestly and frugally and satisfied with what he himself had provided for me, (he would say): "Don't you see how wretchedly the son of Albius lives, and how miserably Baius? A strong lesson, lest anyone wishes to squander his inheritance!" When he sought to deter (me) from the shameful love of a prostitute, (he would say): "Be unlike Sectanus!" In order that I should not pursue adulteresses, when I could enjoy a lawful amour, he asserted: "A wise man will give you the reasons (for what) it is better to avoid, and what (it is better) to seek: it is sufficient for me, if I can preserve the morality handed down from the men of old, and, while you have need of a guardian, to keep your life and reputation unharmed; as soon as age will have hardened your limbs aiind your mind, you will swim without cork." So by these words he formed me (as) a boy ...

II.  No soldier, I!

The ode below tells us how Horace ran away from the battle-field at Philippi in 42 B.C., and of  how he celebrated the subsequent return home of his friend Pompeius. 

"Odes" II. vii. To Pompeius Varus.  Metre: Alcaic.

O  Pompeius, the first of my companions, often drawn with me into the greatest danger in the campaign with Brutus (as) our leader, who has restored you (as) a Roman citizen to the gods of your native-land and the sky of  Italy? With you (lit. whom) I have often broken the tedious (lit. lagging) day with wine, having garlanded my hair with Syrian oil. With you I experienced  Philippi's swift rout (lit. Philippi and the swift rout), my little shield having been dishonourably (lit. not well) left behind, when virtue (was) broken, and menacing (warriors) touched the shameful ground with their chins. But swift Mercury bore me away in a thick cloud through the enemy (ranks); (but) the sea, with its foaming surf sucking (you) back, carried you back to war again. Therefore, render to Jupiter the due offering, and deposit your flank, wearied by the lengthy war, under my laurel, and do not spare the casks reserved for you. Fill up the smooth bowls with care-dispelling Massic; pour (on your hair) unguents from the capacious shells. Who is taking care to weave with speed the garlands with fresh parsley or myrtle? I shall not revel more sanely than the Edonians (i.e. Thracians): my friend having been recovered, it is delightful to me to act crazily.

III.  My early days.

In the extract below we learn that Horace went from Rome to Athens to complete his education, and of  the reasons which impelled him to take up verse-writing.

"Epistulae" II. ii. 41-52. To Julius Florus.  Metre: Hexameter.

It happened to me to be nurtured at Rome, and to be taught how much the enraged Achilles did harm to the Greeks. Good Athens added a little more learning, no doubt to dispose (me) to distinguish a straight (line) from a curved (one), and to search for truth amidst the groves of Academe. But harsh times removed me from that pleasant spot, and the tide of civil war carried (me) inexperienced (as I was) into arms that were to be no match for Caesar Augustus. Whence, as soon as (the battle of) Philippi dismissed me in reduced circumstances, with my wings clipped and destitute of both my father's house and farm, daring poverty drove (me) to write verses.

IV.  Introduction to Maecenas. 

Horace becomes a member of the circle of Maecenas, a close associate of the Emperor Augustus and the principal literary patron of the time.

Satires I. vi. 52-64.  Metre: Hexameter.

I cannot call myself lucky on this (account), (namely) that I got you (as) a friend by chance. For that best (of men), Virgil, (and) after him Varius, told (you) what (sort of a man) I was. When I came into (your) presence, speaking  a few (words) in a halting voice, (for indeed shyness prevented (me) from saying more,) I do not tell you that I (was) born of an illustrious father, I (do) not (tell you) that I rode about the countryside on a Satureian (i.e. Apulian) horse, but (simply) what I was. You answer, as is your custom, in a few (words): I depart, and you ask (me) back in the ninth month afterwards and command (me) to be in the number of your friends. I consider this a great thing, that I was pleasing to you, who distinguishes honesty from turpitude, not by a famous father, but by a pure life and heart.

V.  My farm.

Maecenas made Horace a present of a small farm situated in the Sabine Hills, to the south-east of Rome, set in a little valley running from north to south. Horace describes ii movingly in the following passage.

"Epistulae" I. xvi. 1-16.  Metre: Hexameter:

The shape and the site of my land will be described to you in a chatty fashion, lest you ask (me), my best Quinctius, (whether) my farm feeds its master with arable land, or enriches (him) with the berries of the olive, or with fruits or meadows or the elm-tree clothed with vines. The mountains (are) unbroken, except that they are separated by a shady valley, but such that the approaching sun views its right side and the departing (sun), with fleeing chariot, warms its left (side). You would praise its mildness; what if my productive brambles bear ruddy cornel-cherries and plums? (What) if my oak and holm-oak help my flocks with many acorns (lit. fruits), (and) their master with abundant shade? You would say that Tarentum with its foliage (had been) brought nearer to (Rome). A fountain, too, suitable to give its name to a river, inasmuch as the Hebrus winds through Thrace neither more cool nor more clear, flows salubrious to the infirm head and salubrious to the stomach. These sweet, even, if you believe (this), these delightful, retreats present me to you unscathed (even) in the hours of September.

VI.  Fount of Bandusia.

 Horace never tires of saying how much he loves his farm, and this poem, one of his most beautiful odes, is written in praise of this spring which it contains. As a hymn of dedication  - hence the sacrificial imagery within it - , it represents the unwinding of the poet's thoughts, as he contemplates the scene before him.

"Odes" III. xiii.  Meter: Fourth Asclepiad.

O spring of Bandusia, more brilliant than glass, worthy of sweet wine, not without flowers, tomorrow you will be presented with a kid, whose forehead, swollen with the tips of horns, marks (him) out for love and battles; in vain: for this offspring of the playful flock will stain your cold streams with his red blood. You the cruel hour of the flaming Dogstar does not know how to touch, you provide welcome coolness for the oxen wearied by the plough and for the straggling herd. You, too, will become (one) of the famous fountains, with me singing the praises of (lit. telling of) the holm-oak placed over the hollowed-out rocks, whence babbling waters tumble down.

VII.  Independence.

Despite his gratitude to Maecenas for the gift of his estate, Horace was anxious to demonstrate his independence and that he was not at Maecenas' beck and call. The extract below indicates his concern to avoid Rome during the late summer, when illness was rife in the capital, and a general desire to avoid any risks to his health.

"Epistulae" I. vii. 1-21, 25-28.  Metre: Hexameter.

Having promised you that I should be in the country for (but) five days, untrue (to my word), I am missed for the whole of Sextilis (i.e. August). And yet, if you wish me to live soundly and in perfect health, Maecenas, you will grant (me), fearing to be ill, the indulgence which you grant me when I am (lit. being) ill, while (the arrival of) the first figs and the heat (of autumn) adorns the undertaker with his black attendants, while every father and mother turns pale (with fear) for their children, while dutiful diligence and the petty business of the forum brings on fevers and unseals wills. But if the winter spreads snow over the Alban fields, your bard will go down to the seaside, and take care (lit. be sparing) of himself and read huddled up (against the cold): he will revisit you, dear friend, if you will allow (him), with the West Winds and at the first swallow. You have made me wealthy not in the manner in which the Calabrian host bids (his guest) to feed on his pears. "Eat, if you please." "I have had enough (lit. There is enough [to me]) already." "But do you take away as much as you want." "(It is) kind (of you, but no, thank you)." "You will be taking little presents not displeasing to your little boys." "I am as obliged by your gift as if I were going away laden." "As you wish (lit. it pleases [you]); you will leave them to be devoured today by the pigs." The prodigal and the foolish (man) gives away what he despises and hates: such a sowing (of favours) as this has produced, and will always (lit. in all years) produce, ungrateful (men)......................But if you do not wish me to go away anywhere, you will restore my strong constitution (lit. lungs) (and) my black locks on a narrow forehead, you will restore (my ability) to chatter pleasantly, you will restore (my ability) to laugh becomingly and to lament, amid (cups of) wine, the flight of saucy Cinara.

VIII.  A prayer fulfilled.

With his wish for a small estate having been answered, Horace prays that Mercury will protect him and his possessions. This extract also demonstrates Horace's profound gratitude to Maecenas for his generous gift, and his determination not to take advantage of his patron by coveting more.

Satires II. vi. 1-15.  Metre: Hexameter.

This was (ever) among my prayers: a measure of land not so large, where there may be a garden, and a fountain with a continual stream near to the house, and, besides these, a little woodland. The gods have done larger and better (than this for me). It is well. O son of Maia (lit. O [thou] born from Maia) (i.e. Mercury), I ask for nothing more, except that you would make these gifts permanent to me. If I have neither made my property greater by evil means, nor shall I make (it) smaller by vice or misconduct, if I do not foolishly ask for any of the following things: " O if that little corner nearby, which now spoils the shape of my little farm could be added (lit. could go to [me])! O if some chance could show me an urn of silver, as, treasure having been found, (it showed it) to that man (who) bought that very land, which he tilled (as) a hired labourer, rich, with Hercules (as) his friend!" If what I have at present (lit. if what is present [to me], pleases (me), grateful (as I am), I beg you with this prayer to make my flocks fatter for their master, and (all) other things, except my wit, and, as you are accustomed, to be present (as) my chief guardian.

IX.  My daily round.

From the extract below it is clear that Horace was a man of simple tastes, who deliberately sought to avoid both an extravagant lifestyle and an ambitious career. 

Satires I. vi. 111-131.  Meter: Hexameter.

Wherever I have a fancy (lit. there is a fancy to me), I walk alone, (and) I ask how much (is the price of) cabbage and corn-meal: I wander around the cheating circus and the forum often in the evening; I stand near the fortune-tellers: thence I betake myself home to a dish of leeks and and lentils and pancakes. My dinner is served by three slaves, and a white stone (slab) supports two cups with a ladle; a cheap basin stands nearby, a bowl with its saucer, earthenware from Campania. Then, I go to sleep, not concerned (by the thought) that tomorrow I must (lit. it is necessary for me to) rise in the morning so as to meet (the statue of) Marsyas, who denies that he can bear the countenance of the younger of the Novii. I lie (in bed) into the fourth (hour); after this, I ramble (about), or, having read or having written what (lit. or [something] having been read and having been written such as) may amuse me in a quiet moment, I am anointed with oil, (but) not such as that filthy Natta (uses), the lamps having been robbed. But, when the fiercer sun reminds me, (being) tired, to go to bathe, I avoid the Campus (Martius) and the ball-game for three people. Having lunched moderately (lit. not greedily), (but) enough to prevent me from having to endure the (rest of the) day with an empty stomach, I knock about at home. This is the life of (those) freed from wretched and burdensome ambition; with such things I comfort myself, destined to live more pleasantly than if my grandfather and father and great-uncle had been a quaestor.

X.  Meeting with a bore. 

As a friend of Maecenas, and later of the Emperor Augustus, Horace became vulnerable to the predatory activities of toadies anxious to curry favour with him. In this longish poem we find Horace seeking desperately to extricate himself from the sycophantic attentions of one such flatterer, and to do so without losing his temper. 

Satires I. ix.  Metre: Hexameter. 

By chance, I was walking along the Via Sacra, meditating on some (lit. I know not what) trifling (matters), and (being) totally intent on these. A certain man, known to me only by name, runs up, and, my hand having been seized, (says), "How are you doing, my dearest of fellows?"

Very well (lit. pleasantly), at present (lit. as it is now)," say I, "and I wish you everything that you desire."

When he continues to follow after (me), I interject, "There isn't anything you want, is there?"

But he says, "(I wish) that you would get to know me (lit. us)," he says, " (for) I am (lit. we are) learned."

Hereupon, I say, "You will be of more (esteem) to me on this account."

Seeking sadly to get away (from him), at one moment I went more quickly, and then I stopped, (and) spoke something (lit. I know not what) to my slave into his ear, while the sweat trickled down into the top of my ankles. "O, Bolanus," I said quietly, "(how) lucky you (are) with your temper," while he prattles away, (saying) anything that comes into his head (lit. anything at all), (and) he praises the streets and the city.

When I did not reply to him at all, he says, "You desperately desire to get away; I perceived (that) some time ago: but it's no use (lit. you are not achieving anything): I shall keep right up (with you); I shall follow (you) hence (to the place) to which your journey now is."

"There is absolutely no need for you to be dragged out of your way: I want to visit someone not known to you: he lives a long way off across the Tiber, near Caesar's gardens."

"I am not doing anything (lit. I have nothing that I am doing), and I am not lazy: I shall follow (you) right up (to your destination)." I hang my ears like an ass with a surly disposition, when a heavier (than usual) load has been put upon his back.

He begins (again): "If I know myself well, you will regard neither Viscus nor Varius more as a friend than I: for who can write more verses, or (do so) more quickly, than I? Who can move his limbs more smoothly (when dancing)? I sing such that even Hermogenes would envy (me)."

Here, there was an opportunity of interrupting (him): "Do you have (lit. Is there to you) a mother, (or any) relations, who would be concerned about your safety (lit. for whom there is a need for you (to be) safe)?"

"I do not have anyone (lit. [There is] not anyone to me). I have laid (them) all to rest.

"(How) lucky (they are)! Now I am left. Finish (me) off: for indeed that fatal (moment) is sadly at hand, which an old Sabine woman, her divining urn having been shaken, foretold (to me as) a boy, (when she said): 'That (boy) neither cruel poison nor an enemy's sword, nor pleurisy (lit. pain of the lungs) or a cough, nor crippling gout shall carry off: (but) some day or other a babbler shall destroy him: if he be wise, let him avoid talkative (people), as soon as he comes of age (lit. his age has increased).' "

A quarter (lit. fourth part) of the day having now passed, we had come (lit. it had been come) to (the Temple) of Vesta, and by chance he was then due to put in an appearance for a man who had been bound over by bail: unless he were to have done this, he would (have to) lose his law-suit.

"If you love me," he says, "support me here by your presence for a little while."

"May I persish, if either I have the strength to stand (through the case) or I know the civil laws: also I am hastening whither you are aware."

"I am uncertain what I should do," says he, "whether I should desert you or my cause."

"Me, I beg of you."

"I shall not do (it)," he says, and he begins to go ahead of me. I, as it is difficult to contend with one's conqueror, follow.

"How (does) Maecenas (get on) with you?" Hence, he resumes (his prattle).

"He is (a man) of few acquaintances and of a very sound mind."

"No one has used opportunity more skilfully (than I). You should have a powerful assistant (in me), (the sort of man) who could play second fiddle (to you), if you were disposed to introduce your humble servant (lit. this man). May I perish, if you would not have supplanted everyone (else)."

"We do not live there in that fashion which you suppose: there is not any house either cleaner or more remote from such evils: it does not prejudice me at all," say I, "because a particular person is richer or more learned (than I): everyone has (lit. there is to everyone) his own place."

"You tell a tall (story), (and) a scarcely credible (one)."

"And yet it is so."

"You inflame (me) all the more as to why I should wish to be very close to him."

"You have only to wish (it): such (is) your merit (that) you will take (him) by storm: and he is (someone) who can be won over, and, for that reason, he keeps initial approaches (to him) difficult."

"I shall not let myself down (lit. I shall not be wanting on my own behalf). I shall corrupt his servants with gifts: if I am (lit. shall have been) excluded today, I shall not desist: I shall seek the right moments; I shall meet him in the street (lit. at the crossroads), I shall escort (him) home. Life gives nothing to mortals without great labour."

While he is blathering on (lit. pushing forth these [words]), behold, Fuscus Aristius meets (us), (a man) dear to me and (one) who knows that (fellow) very well. We come to a halt.

"Whence are you coming? And whither are you going," he asks and replies (to the same question). I begin to pluck (at his cloak), and to take hold of his sluggish (lit. very slow) arms with my hand, nodding and winking (lit. distorting my eyes) (at him) to rescue me. Cruelly arch, (and) laughing, he pretends (not to take the hint): bile burns my liver.

"Certainly," (I said to Fuscus), you said that you wanted to discuss something (lit. I know not what) with me in private."

"I remember (it) well," (said he), "but I shall speak (to you) at a better time: today is the thirtieth sabbath. Do you wish to affront the circumcised Jews?

"I have no scruples (lit. There are to me no scruples) at all on that account."

"But I have (lit. there are to me)," (he replies). "I am somewhat weaker (than you), one of the multitude. May you forgive (me): I shall speak (with you) at another time." (To think) that this day (lit. sun) should have risen so black for me! The rogue runs off and leaves me under the knife.

By luck his adversary meets him (lit. comes in his way), and shouts (at him) in a loud voice, "Whither (are) you (going), you very shameful (fellow)? and (to me), "Are you willing (lit. Is it permitted [to you]) to be a witness (to the arrest)?"

Assuredly, I assent (lit. offer my ear [to be touched]). He hurries (him) into court: (there is a clamour from both sides (and) a throng from all parts. Thus Apollo saved me.

XI.  The simple life.

Advocating the virtues of the simple life was very much in tune with the Augustan programme of a return to the 'mos maiorum', and at the same time simplicity of life-style, related closely to his love of the countryside, was very much a matter of personal preference so far as Horace was concerned.  As the two odes below indicate, those visiting Horace's modest villa could expect neither lavish decoration nor expensive wine. 

a.  "Odes" I. xxxviii.  Metre:  Sapphic.

Boy, I detest Persian splendour. Garlands, woven with (the inner bark of) the linden-tree, displease (me). Cease seeking in what place the late rose lingers. I care not that you diligently add with toil anything to plain myrtle: myrtle is unbecoming neither to you (as) a servant, nor to me drinking under this close-leaved vine.

b.  "Odes" I. xx.  Metre: Sapphic.

My dear knight Maecenas, (in my house) you will drink cheap Sabine (wine) in simple goblets, which, bottled (lit. stored)  in a Grecian  cask I myself sealed (lit. smeared [with pitch]), (on the day) when (such loud) applause (was) given to you in the theatre that the banks of your ancestral river and, at the same time, the joyous echo of the Vatican hill returned your praises. Then you will drink the Caecuban and the grape squeezed in the Calenian wine-press: neither the Falernian vines nor the Formian hills will season my cups.

XII.  The country for me!

Horace had a supreme ability to write about serious matters in a light-hearted fashion, although that does not imply any lack of sincerity. To both amuse and inform simultaneously is the essence of satire. Among the more notable of Horace's satirical pieces is the charming story of the town mouse and the country mouse, in which he hints of the risks involved in luxurious urban living, when compared with the security of rural tranquillity.

Satires II. vi.  Meter: Hexameter.

Once upon a time, a country mouse is said to have welcomed a town mouse into his humble mouse-hole, an old host (is said to have welcomed) an old friend, a rough (type) and careful with his stores, yet in such a way that he relaxed his thrifty soul with (acts of) hospitality. What more can I say? He begrudged neither his stored-up chick-peas nor his long oats, and, carrying in his mouth a dry grape and half-eaten scraps of bacon, he offered (them) up, wanting to overcome with his varied dinner the fastidiousness of  (one) barely touching each individual (morsel) with his haughty teeth, while the master of the house himself, stretched out in this year's chaff, ate grain and grass, leaving the better (parts) of the feast (to his guest).

Finally, the town (mouse) said to him, "Why does it please you, my friend, to live uncomplaining on the steep summit of a wood? Would you (not) wish to place men and the city before these wild woods? Trust me,(and) take the road with me (as) my companion: since earthly (creatures) live, having been allotted with mortal souls, there is no escape from death either for the great or for the small; wherefore, my good (fellow), while we can (lit. it is permitted [to us]), live happily in pleasant circumstances; live remembering how short-lived you are (lit. you are of a short life)." When these words had convinced (lit. impressed) the country (mouse), he jumped nimbly out of the house: then, they both undertake the proposed journey, eager to creep under the walls of the city during the night. And now night was holding the middle space of the heavens, when each of them sets his footprints in a wealthy house, where a covering, dyed with bright scarlet, gleamed over the ivory couches, and many dishes (of food) were left over from a great dinner, which, (remaining) from yesterday, were in heaped up baskets (not too) far off. Therefore, when (the town mouse) had placed the country (mouse) stretched out on a purple coverlet, like a girt-up (slave) he runs about (as) the host, and makes the feast continuous, and also, in the manner of a house-slave, he performs every single duty, tasting in advance everything which he brings. Reclining, (the country mouse) rejoices in his changed luck, and amidst the good things he acts (as) a happy guest, when suddenly a great noise from the doors shakes each from off the couches. Terrified, they run through the whole room, and, petrified, they were more alarmed as soon as the deep house resounded with Molossian hounds.

Then, the country mouse said, "I have no need (lit. There is no need to me) of this (kind of) life, and "Farewell: my wood and my hole, safe from ambush, with some meagre vetch, will console me."

XIII.  Pro patria mori.

Horace was also capable of writing in a serious way, especially on patriotic themes. In the extract below, taken from one of the six 'Roman Odes' at the beginning of the Book III, he encourages the youth to be brave and to die for their country.

"Odes" III. ii. 1-16.  Metre: Alcaic.

Hardened by keen warfare, let the boy learn thoroughly to endure gladly pinching poverty, and, (as) a horseman dreadful with his spear, let him harass the wild Parthians and pass his life beneath the open sky amid hazardous deeds. Let the wife of a warring ruler and his full-grown daughter, beholding him from the enemy's walls, sigh "alas!" lest the royal betrothed, unskilled in warfare, provoke a lion, dangerous to touch, whom murderous anger drives through the midst of the slaughter. It is sweet and becoming to die on behalf of one's country: death also pursues the fleeing man, nor does it spare the knees and cowardly back of the unwarlike youth.  

XIV.  True courage. 

In the poem below, another of the six 'Roman Odes', Horace recounts the heroic story of Marcus Atilius Regulus, who, having been captured by the Carthaginians with his army in 254 B.C. and sent back to Rome with peace terms, preferred to argue against these terms and then return himself to a certain death, than to recommend what he considered to be a dishonourable and cowardly peace.  

"Odes" III. v. 18-56.  Metre: Alcaic.

"(With my own eyes,) he said, "I have beheld our standards nailed to Punic shrines and our weapons torn from soldiers without bloodshed. (With my own eyes) I have beheld the arms of citizens bound behind a free back, and city-gates not closed, and fields, having been ravaged by our army (lit. Mars), being tilled. Ransomed by gold, the soldier will, doubtless, return more eager (for the fray). You are adding financial loss to disgrace: wool dressed in dye does not regain its lost colours, nor does true courage, when once it falls away, care to be restored to the degraded. If (ever) a deer, freed from thick nets, fights, (then indeed) will that man be brave, who has entrusted himself to faithless foes, and will he trample upon the Carthaginians in a second war, who, with arms tied (behind his back), has spiritlessly felt the straps and feared death. He, unaware how (lit. whence) he might win his life, has confounded peace with war. O shame! O mighty Carthage, (towering) higher on the disgraceful ruins of Italy!" It is recounted that, like (one) deprived of his status as a citizen, he banished from himself the kiss of his chaste wife and his little sons and grimly fixed his manly gaze on the ground, until his authority might fortify the wavering senators with counsel never having been given at another time, and amid his sorrowing friends he hastens away, a glorious exile. And yet, he knew what the barbarian torturer had in store for him: yet he made the kinsmen blocking his way and the people delaying his return stand aside, just as (lit. not otherwise than) if he were leaving the tedious business of his clients, their lawsuits having been decided, (and) making his way to the fields of Venafrum or to Spartan (lit. Lacedaemonian) Tarentum.

XV.  True happiness.

While Horace made sincere efforts to assist Augustus in his policy of regeneration, his real interest as a poet lay with human beings and their qualities, and indeed what it was that particularly motivated them. He was aware how important it seemed to so many to amass wealth, but, as he emphasises in the extract below, he knew that such wealth often brought anxieties, not happiness, in its train.

"Odes"III. i. 17-32. On contentment.  Metre: Alcaic.

(For the man) over whose impious neck a drawn sword hangs (i.e. Damocles), Sicilian feats will not furnish a sweet savour, and the songs of birds and of the lyre will not restore sleep: gentle sleep does not despise the humble homes of rustic men and a shady bank, nor  a valley (lit. Tempe) fanned by the West Winds. Neither the storm-tossed sea nor the fierce onset of the setting Great Bear or the rising Kids, nor vineyards lashed by hail and the falsely-promising farm, with the (olive-)tree blaming now the rains, now the stars scorching the fields,  (and) now the inclement winters.

XVI.  The miser.

Another character type that interested Horace was the miser. In the following extract he mercilessly exposes the fallacy involved in hoarding one's possessions and not putting them to good use. 

Satires I. i. 73-100.  Metre: Hexameter.

Do you not know to what end a coin can be worth? Bread, a cabbage, a measure of wine can be bought, add (such other things), if these things were withheld (lit. these things having been withheld), human nature would grieve for itself. Does this help (you), whether to be awake, faint with terror, both night and day, to dread wicked thieves, fires, (and) your slaves lest they rob you as they run away (lit. running away). I should always hope to be very poor of possessions such as these.

But, if (ever) your body, tried by a chill, is in pain, or any other mishap should confine you to your bed, do you have anyone who can sit near (you), prepare medicines, (and) ask the doctor to get you up and restore (you) to your children and dear relations?

Your wife does not wish (to see) you recovered, nor (does) your son: all your neighbours, your acquaintances, (even) the boys and girls, hate you. Do you wonder that no one shows (you) the love which you do not deserve? But, if you are disposed to retain, and to preserve (as) friends, the relatives which nature gives you with no effort, you would be wasting your labour fruitlessly, just as if someone were to train an ass to run, obedient to the rein, in the Campus (Martius). Finally, let there be an end to your searching, and when you possess more, may you fear poverty less and begin to cease your striving, (the things) which you craved having been acquired, lest you do what a certain Ummidius (did): it is not a tedious story: (he was so) rich that he measured his money: (he was) so mean that he did not ever clothe himself better than a slave; right up to his last moment he feared lest lack of food should oppress him; but his freedwoman, the bravest of the daughters of Tyndarus, cut him in twain with an axe.

XVII.  False ambition.

In this extract Horace warns against the dangers of seeking public office.

Satires II. iii. 168-171, 179-186.  Metre: Hexameter.

Servius Oppidius, rich according to the old (standard of) incomes, is said to have divided two farms between his two sons, and, (when) dying to have said this to the boys, having been called to his bedside: ..... "Lest (a desire for) glory should entice you, I shall bind you both by an oath: whichever of you shall become an aedile or a praetor, may he be incapable of making a will and be accursed. Would you squander your property in (largesses of) peas and beans and lupines, so that you may proudly strut in the Circus, and so that you may, in your madness, stand (in a) bronze (statue), bereft of your paternal farms (and) stripped of your money, doubtless, in order that you may win the applauses that Agrippa is winning, (like) a cunning fox imitating a noble lion?"  
ings back 

XVIII.  'Cut your coat according to your cloth.'

In the following extract, men of limited means are encouraged not to develop tastes which they cannot afford.

"Epistulae" I. xviii. 21-31.  To Lollius.  Metre:  Hexameter.

(Him) whom pernicious lust, whom the fatal dice strips, whom vanity beyond his means both dresses and perfumes, whom insatiable thirst and hunger for money, whom shame and avoidance of poverty possesses, his rich friend, (though) frequently equipped with many more vices (lit. more equipped with ten vices), hates and abhors, or, if he does not hate, he rules (him), and, like a dutiful mother, wants (him) to be wiser than himself, and to be his superior in virtues, and he says (what are) nearly true (words): "My wealth - do not (lit. be unwilling to) vie (with me) -  permits (me to indulge) my folly; your income is a little small: a close fitting toga suits a sensible dependant: cease to compete with me."

XIX.  The golden mean.

With his preference for a moderate and simple life-style, Horace was attracted to the Aristotelian concept of the 'golden mean'.  

"Odes" II. x.  To Licinius Murena.  Metre: Sapphic.

You will live more uprightly, Licinius, by neither always pursuing the deep (sea), nor, while, in your caution, you shrink from squalls, by keeping too close to (lit. by pressing too much) the hazardous shore. Whosoever loves the golden mean safely avoids the squalour of an antiquated house (and) rather prudently avoids a palace worthy to be envied. The lofty pine is often agitated by winds, and high towers fall down with a heavier calamity, and (bolts of) lightning strike the summits of mountains. The well-prepared breast hopes in adversity, (and) fears in prosperity, a different outcome (lit. lot). Jupiter brings back the hideous winters, the same (god) takes (them) away. If (the prospect is) gloomy now, it will not be so in the future also: Apollo sometimes arouses his silent muse with his lyre, and does not always bend his bow. In straitened circumstances appear high-spirited and undaunted: likewise you will prudently contract your sails, swollen too much in a favourable wind.

XX.  An Epicurean I!

For Horace a moderate life-style was not incompatible with enjoying the good things of life. In the extract below he declares himself a follower of Epicurus, the Greek philosopher, for whom the main aim of life was to avoid pain of mind and body and to seek pleasure. 

"Epistulae" I. iv.  To Albius Tibullus.  Metre: Hexameter.   

Albius, (you) candid judge of my conversations, what shall I now say you are doing in the country of Pedum? That you are writing something that will surpass the little works of Cassius of Parma, or that you are strolling silently among the health-giving groves, reflecting upon whatever is worthy of a wise and good (man)? You used not to be a body without a mind: the gods (have given) you a (handsome) form, the gods have given you wealth and the ability to enjoy (it). What greater (blessing) could a loving nurse wish for a dear foster-child, if he could be wise and express what he feels, and, (if) grace, reputation and health may come to him in abundance, as well as a decent mode of life and a never-ending purse? Amidst hope and care, amidst fears and irritations, think that very day that has dawned upon you (is) your last: (thus) the hour, which will not be expected, will come upon (you) gladly. When you are disposed to laugh, you will come and see (lit. visit) me, fat and sleek, with a well-cared for skin, a hog from Epicurus' herd.

XXI.  A day of celebration.  

As the extract below shows, Horace certainly knew how to enjoy life when the occasion arose. The public holiday to celebrate Augustus' safe return from Spain in 25 B.C. was one such opportunity. 

"Odes" III. xiv. 13-28.

This day, truly a holiday for me, shall banish gloomy cares: with Caesar (i.e. Augustus) possessing the earth, I shall neither dread an uprising nor death through violence. Go, slave, and seek perfume and garlands and a cask remembering the Marsian War (i.e. the Social War 90 B.C.), if any jar could have eluded the marauding Spartacus. Also, tell clear-voiced Neaera to make haste to bind her perfumed into a knot; but, if (any) delay should happen through the hated janitor, come away. Whitening hair cools my spirit, (once) eager for quarrels and wanton wrangling; I should not have endured this treatment, (when) warm with youth, with Plancus (as) consul (i.e. 42 B.C.).

XXII.  Are there gods?

Horace seems generally to have adopted a sceptical attitude towards the gods, but in the following extract he indicates that he has been given food for thought by the phenomenon of thunder coming from a cloudless sky.

"Odes" I. xxxiv.  Against the Epicureans.  Metre:  Alcaic.

A sparing and infrequent worshipper of the gods, while I strayed, adept in a foolish philosophy, I am now obliged to set sail (lit. to give my sails [to the wind]) back again and renew my abandoned course: for Jupiter, usually cleaving the clouds with flashing fire, (lately) drove his thundering horses and swift chariot through a clear (sky), by which the sluggish earth and the wandering rivers, by which the Styx and the dread seat of hateful Taenarus, and the boundary of Atlas are shaken. The deity is able to exchange the lowest with the highest, and diminishes the exalted (man), bringing the obscure to light; rapacious fortune, with a shrill whizzing, has (ever) lifted the crown from one head (and) rejoices to have placed (it) on another.

XXIII.  The biter bit!

One of Horace's more attractive character traits was his capacity to recognise his own failings and to laugh at himself. In the extracts below his house-slave Davus purports to upbraid him for displaying the same faults which he censures in others.

Satires II. vii. 23-35, 83-88, 102-115.

'You praise the customs of the ancient (Roman) people, and yet, if any god were suddenly to push you towards those things, you would reject (them), either because you do not really feel that what you are shouting about is (really) the more upright (course), or because you do not defend the right with real conviction (lit. firmly), and you are at a loss, in master of himselfvain desiring to extract your foot from the mire. At Rome you long for the country; (when) in the country, in your fickleness, you extol the city to the stars.If, by chance, you have not been invited to dinner anywhere, you praise your plain (dish of) cabbage, and, as though you would ever not go out (but) under compulsion, you say that you are so happy, and you hug (yourself), that it is not necessary for you to drink somewhere (else). (But) should Maecenas bid you to come to him, (as) a guest, late, just before the first lamps, "Does no one bring the oil more quickly? Is anybody listening?" You roar with a loud shout and rush off.'

'Who on earth (is) free? The wise (man), who (is) master of himself, whom neither poverty, nor death, nor death, nor chains affright, brave in checking his desires (and) in scorning honours, and whole within himself, polished and round, so that not anything from outside can linger on account of his smoothness, (and) against whom misfortune ever rushes (only to be) maimed.'

'I (am) a good-for-nothing, if I am tempted by a smoking pasty: but, as for you, does your great virtue and soul resist rich dinners? Why is obedience to my belly (so) ruinous to me? To be sure, I am punished by my back. How do you grab with impunity those delicacies which cannot be taken for a little (expense)? For sure, those little feasts, (taken) without limit, grow bitter, and your tricked feet refuse to bear your over-indulged body. Does that slave sin who by night exchanges (some) grapes for a stolen strigil? Does he, who, obedient to his appetite, sells his estates, have nothing servile (about him)? Add (the fact) that you cannot likewise be in your own company (lit. with yourself) for an hour, nor dispose of your leisure properly, and that you shun yourself (as) a runaway and a vagabond, endeavouring, at one time, by wine, and, at another time, by sleep, to cheat care; in vain: for that gloomy companion presses (upon you) and pursues you in your flight.'

XXIV.  To a wine-jar.

This delightful ode reflects Horace's cheerful and happy disposition, and his capacity to enjoy life.

"Odes" III. xxi.  Metre: Alcaic.

O dutiful jar, born with me, with Manlius (being) consul, whether you bring complaints or jokes, or conflict and crazy loves, or effortless slumber, under whatever pretext you preserve the choice Massic (vintage), worthy to be served on an auspicious day, descend (to earth), with Corvinus ordering (me) to bring forth a mellower wine. Although he is steeped in Socratic dialogues, he will not slight you in an unkempt fashion: even the virtue of ancient Cato is reputed to have often been warmed by undiluted wine. You gently apply the rack to a generally unyielding disposition: you reveal the concerns and secret design of philosophers through merry Lyaeus (i.e. Bacchus): you restore hope to anxious minds and you give strength and horns to a poor man, after (drinking) you, trembling neither at the angry diadems of kings nor at the weapons of soldiers. Liber (i.e. Bacchus), and, if she will kindly be present, Venus, and the Graces, lothe to loosen the knot (that binds them), and the still-burning (lit. living) lanterns, shall lead you on, until Phoebus returning puts the stars to flight.

XXV.  A lovers' quarrel.

Horace never married but he almost certainly enjoyed a number of amorous relationships when he was a young man. In the poem below, the only example from his works of the 'carmen amoebaeum' (the poem in dialogue), he portrays an imaginary reconciliation between two young lovers. 

"Odes" III. ix.  To Lydia.  Metre: Second Asclepiad.

HE:  As long as I was agreeable to you, nor did any more favoured youth put his arms around (lit. give his arms to) your snowy-white neck, I flourished more happily than the king of the Persians.

SHE:  As long as you did not burn more (with love) for another (woman), nor was Lydia after Chloe (in your affections), I flourished more famously than the Roman Ilia.

HE:  The Thracian Chloe now commands me, (she who is) expert in sweet modulations and skilled on the lyre, for whom I shall not fear to die, if the fates shall spare my darling (lit. my life) to survive (me).

SHE:  Calais, the son of Ornytus of Thurii, inflames me with a mutual torch, for whom I shall twice endure to die, if the fates shall spare my boy to survive (me).

HE:  What if our former love returns, and joins (us), having been led asunder, with a brazen yoke, what if golden-haired Chloe is cast off, and the door opens to slighted Lydia?

SHE:  Although he is fairer than a star, and you are more fickle (lit. lighter) than cork and more irascible than the stormy Adriatic, with you I should love to live, and with you I should gladly die.

XXVI.  Ancients versus moderns. 

In the 'letter' below Horace ridicules the tendency for Romans to value only the writers of the distant past.

"Epistulae" II. i.  18-49, 76-88,  102-117.

But here your people, wise and just in one (point), by preferring you to our own leaders, (and) you to Greek   (heroes), by no means estimate other things with like proportion and measure, and disdain and detest (everything) except (those things) which they see removed from the earth, having completed their allotted span. To such an extent (are the people) supporters of ancient things, that they keep saying that the Muses on Mount Alba dictating the (Twelve) Tables forbidding transgression, which the decemviri ratified (i.e. in 451 B.C.), the treaties of our kings, concluded with the Gabii or the hardy Sabines, the books of the pontiffs  (and) the ancient rolls of the seers.

If, because all of the most ancient writings of the Greeks are the very best, Roman writers are weighed in the same scale, there is no (reason) that we should say much (more): there is nothing hard inside an olive, there is nothing (hard) in a nut on the outside; we have come to the highest (point) of success (in the arts), we paint and we sing and we wrestle more skilfully than the well-oiled Achaeans (i.e. Greeks). If time makes poems, like wine, better, I should wish to know how many years will lay a claim to value in manuscripts. Ought a writer, who died a hundred years ago, to be reckoned among the perfect and the ancient, or among the mean and modern (writers)? Let some boundary exclude (all) disputes. "He is an old and excellent (writer) who completes a hundred years." (Then) what? Among whom will (he) who died one month or (one) year less (than that) be reckoned? (Among) the old poets or (among those) whom both the present and tomorrow's age will scorn? "At any rate, he may be fairly placed among the ancients who is younger either by (one) short month or by a whole year." I use (what has been) allowed, and, like the hairs of a horse's tail, I gradually pluck and pull away one, and likewise I pull away (another) one, until whosoever has recourse to the annals, and values excellence in years, and admires nothing except what Libitina (i.e. the goddess of funerals) has made sacred, falls (to the ground) baffled, in the manner of a tumbling heap.  

I am indignant that anything should be censured, not because it is thought a lumpish or inelegant composition, but because (it has) recently (been written), and that not indulgence, but honour and prizes, be demanded for ancient (works). If I should express (any) doubt (as to whether) a drama of Atta walks in an upright manner through the saffron and flowers( i.e. across the stage), or not, almost all the fathers would cry out that shame had perished, since I should be attempting to criticise those (pieces), which the grave Aesopus, which the skilful Roscius, have acted: either because they consider nothing right except what has pleased themselves, or because they think (it is) disgraceful to submit to their juniors, and to confess in their old age that (those things) which they learned (when) beardless ought (lit. are worthy) to be destroyed. In fact, (the man) who extols Numa's Salian hymn, and wishes to seem the only man to know, (together) with me, what he is ignorant of, he does not favour and applaud buried geniuses, but attacks ours, and, in his spite, hates us and our (works).

At Rome it was for a long time agreeable and customary to be awake early, the house having been opened up, to expound the laws to clients, to pay out money on good security (lit. cautiously) to upright debtors, to listen to their elders, (and) to tell the younger by what means their fortunes might grow and pernicious luxury be diminished. What pleases or is odious which you may not think changeable? The fickle people have changed their mind and glow with a universal zeal for writing: boys and their stern fathers dine, their locks bound with greenery (lit. bound with greenery in respect of their locks), and dictate poems. I myself who affirms that I write no verses, am found to be more untruthful than the Parthians, and, awake before the rising  sun, I call for my pen and my papers and my book-cases. (He who is) ignorant of a ship is afraid to sail (lit. drive) a ship; none, except he who has learned, dares to give (even) southernwood to a sick (man); doctors undertake the work of doctors; craftsmen handle the (tools) of a craftsman: we, the unlearned and learned (alike), write indiscriminately.

XXVII.  Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. 

In this famous ode, which includes the famous aphorism "carpe diem" (seize the day!), Horace takes up again his injunction to enjoy life while you can. 

"Odes" I. xi.  To Leuconoe.  Metre: Fifth Asclepiad. 

Do you not enquire - (it is) wrong to know  - what limit of life the gods have given to me, (and) what to you, Leuconoe, neither try the Babylonian calculations (i.e. astrology). How (much) better (it is) to endure whatever will be, whether Jupiter has granted (us) more winters or (this as) the last (one), which now wears out the the Tyrrhenian sea upon the opposing rocks. Be wise, strain your wines, and cut down distant expectations in accordance with the short span (of your life). While we speak, jealous age will have fled: seize the day, trusting to the morrow as little as possible.

XXVIII.  Inevitable death.  

Again Horace warns that death cannot be avoided; once again we see that the moral is to take advantage of one's blessings before that moment arrives. This ode includes the renowned quotation "eheu fugaces ... labuntur anni" (Alas, the fleeting years slip away).

"Odes" II. xiv.  To Postumus.  Metre: Alcaic.

Alas, Postumus, Postumus, the fleeting years slip (away), nor will an upright life bring (any) delay to wrinkles and advancing old age and unconquerable death: (no), my friend, not even should you try to appease him with three hundred bulls for every day (of your life) which passes, (could you placate) pitiless Pluto, who confines the thrice monstrous Geryon and Tityus with the dismal stream (i.e. the Styx), that is, (the stream which) must (lit. is needing to) be sailed across, whoever (we are) who enjoy earth's bounty, whether we shall be kings or poor husbandmen. In vain shall we abstain from blood-thirsty warfare (lit. Mars) and the broken waves of the raucous Adriatic, in vain, in respect of our bodies, shall we fear the harmful South Wind during the autumn (seasons). The black Cocytus, meandering with its sluggish current, and the infamous tribe of Danaus, and Sisyphus, the son of Aeolus, condemned to lengthy toil, must (lit. are needing to) be visited. Your land and your house and your agreeable wife must (lit. are needing to) be left behind, nor shall any of those trees which you are cultivating, except the hateful cypress, follow their short(-lived) master. A worthy heir shall consume your Caecuban (wines), (now) guarded by a hundred keys, and shall stain the pavement with the proud undiluted vintage, more potent than (that served at) the dinners of the pontiffs.

XXIX.   Man passes and is seen no more. 

In this ode Horace compares the transience of human life to the passing of the seasons.

"Odes" IV. vii.  To Torquatus.  Metre: Third Archilochean.

The snows have fled, grass now returns to the fields, and foliage to the trees, the earth runs through (lit. alternates) her changes, and the decreasing rivers glide past their banks; a Grace, with the Nymphs and her two sisters, dares to lead the dances naked. The year and the hour which snatches away the kindly day warn that you should not hope for immortality. (Winter's) colds grow mild with the West Winds, summer tramples upon spring, (itself) doomed to perish as soon as fruit-bearing autumn shall have shed its fruits, and soon winter returns in its sluggishness. Yet the swift moons repair the wastage of the sky: when we have descended (to those regions) where father Aeneas, where rich Tullus and Ancus (have gone before us), we are (but) dust and shadow. Who knows whether the gods above will add tomorrow's hours to today's total? Everything which you will have given to your dear self (lit. soul) will escape the greedy hands of  your heir. When once you shall be dead, and Minos will have made his resplendent judgments about you, Torquatus, not your birth, not your eloquence, not your piety, shall restore you: for neither can Diana free the chaste Hippolytus from infernal darkness, nor is Theseus able to break off the Lethaean chains from his dear Pirithous.  

XXX.  L'Envoi. 

On the publication of his third book of "Odes" in 23 B.C. Horace claims that his poems will be a more lasting memorial of him than a bronze tomb. 

"Odes" III. xxx.  On his own work.  Metre: First Asclepiad.

I have completed a monument (lit. tombstone) more lasting than bronze (and) loftier than the royal site of the pyramids, such as neither a biting storm nor a violent North Wind,  or a countless succession of years and flight of ages can demolish. I shall not all die, and a great part of me will cheat Libitina (i.e. the goddess of funerals). I shall grow ever fresh in the praise of posterity, as long as the pontiff shall climb the Capitol with the silent (Vestal) virgin. I shall be spoken of where the Aufidus (i.e. the river of Apulia which runs through Venusia, Horace's birthplace) roars in fury, and where Daunus (i.e. legendary king of Apulia), poor in water, ruled over rustic people, (as one who) rising from a humble (estate) (was) the first to have conducted Aeolian (i.e. the metres of Alcaeus and Sappho) song to Italian measures. Take the pride (of place) won by your deserts, Melpomene (i.e. the Muse of Tragedy), and kindly garland my locks with Delphic laurel.




Monday, 23 January 2012



On 6 March 2010 Sabidius issued on this blogspot a short item concerning the use of Gerunds (verbal nouns) and Gerundives (passive verbal adjectives) in Latin; and on 17 January 2011 he followed this up with an article entitled "Nunc est bibendum", which was a detailed discussion of the controversy concerning whether the "bibendum" in this famous quotation was a Gerund or a Gerundive, and thus the alternative possibilities for its translation. Now, having just completed a translation of Book XXX of Livy's history (see article dated 26 November 2011 on this blogspot), Sabidius has combed this text for all its uses of both Gerunds and Gerundives in order to provide actual examples of these in relation to the possible types of use listed in the article dated 6 March 2010. Each example shown below is identified by the number of the relevant chapter and section where it may be found, and the actual Gerund or Gerundive, and the words used in English to translate it, are highlighted in italics. The English translations shown below are cast in a literal form, and, in the case of Gerundives, these translations reflect the fact that these are passive in voice. However, in his recent translation of Book XXX, Sabidius has rendered most of these Gerundives in an active voice, but with the more literal passive version, as shown below, indicated in brackets.  

A.  GERUNDS (Total 41):

1.  In the Accusative Case:  following the preposition 'ad' to express purpose (2):

12.6. non dari spatium ad cessandum: time is not given for loitering.

16.13.  ad consultandum: for deliberating.

2.  In the Genitive Case:  objective genitive following certain abstract nouns and adjectives (16):

1.5 (x2).  suadendi ac dissuadendi locus esset:  there was an opportunity for persuading and dissuading.

3.7. causa probabilis suis commeandi foret: there should be a plausible pretext for his (emissaries) for going to and fro.

3.10.  spem fecerant ... incendi:  had caused (him) hope of setting fire.

4.6.   omnia visendi ... tempus:  the time to inspect everything.

4.7.  neglegentia ... orta cavendi:  neglect to take precautions arose.

10.19.  transiliendi datum spatium propugnatoribus:  time given to the fighting men for jumping across.

17.6 (x3).  circumeundi salutandique deos agendique grates potestas fieret:  the opportunity should be available ... of going around and paying their respects to the gods and of giving their thanks.

22.5.  potestatem interrogandi ... legatos:  the opportunity of interrogating the ambassadors.

28.8.  nullum propinquum debellandi finem:  no end of the fighting approaching.

29.5.  colloquendi secum potestatem:  an opportunity of holding a conference with him.

33.8.  non causa militandi eadem esset:  no reason for military service was the same.

37.2.  populandique finem:  an end to devastation.

43.7  sibi quos vellent ... redimendi potestas fieret:  the opportunity might occur to them of ransoming (those) whom they wished.  

3.  In the Ablative Case:  instrumental ablative (N.B. in some cases it is possible to see these as  ablatives of manner, or modal ablatives) (22):

8.3 (x2).  succendo ad stationes hostium lacessendoque:  by coming up to the enemy's outposts and challenging (them).

12.8 (x2).  nec quae acta essent promendo ... nec suadendo: neither by revealing what had been done ... nor by persuasion.

13.2.  victoriam suam augendo:  by exaggerating their victory.

18.3.  praeter spem resistendo:  by resisting contrary to expectation.

20.2  vetando supplementum et pecuniam mitti:  by forbidding reinforcements and money being sent.

23.3 (x2).  caedendo exercitus, agros populandi:  by destroying their armies, and by ravaging their lands.

28.5.  senex vincendo factus:  having become elderly by conquest.

28.8.  has formidines agitando animis:  by pondering these apprehensions in their minds.

30.23 (x2).  non statuendo felicitati modum nec cohibendo efferentem se fortunam:  by setting no limit to his success and by not checking a good fortune (which was) carrying him away.

32.5 (x2).  admonendo atque hortando:  by admonition and exhortation.

34.5.  primos caedendo:  by cutting down the men in the front rank.

34.10.  vagam ante se cernendo aciem:  in perceiving the unsteady line in front of them.

42.14 (x2).  nunc purgando crimina, nunc quaedam fatendo:  at one moment by excusing the charges, (and) at another moment by admitting some (of them).

42.14.  nunc monendo etiam patres conscripti:  now by even admonishing the conscript fathers.

42.17 (x2).  plus paene parcendo victis quam vincendo:  almost more by sparing the vanquished than by crushing (them).

4.  In the Ablative Case: after a preposition which takes the ablative (1):

13.9.  eadem haec et Syphax animis in adloquendo victorem: these same (considerations) also gave Syphax courage in addressing the victor. (N.B. This usage of the gerund after a preposition taking the ablative is unusual in that it is followed by a direct object. In practice, a gerundive would normally be used in classical Latin, i.e. in victore adloquendo, in this case. See section B.4.j. below.)

B.  GERUNDIVES (Total 79):

1.  Predicative adjective (passive) used, in respect of a transitive verb, to denote necessity, obligation or propriety (19):

a.  In the Nominative Case (5):

1.5.  seu causa oranda:  whether a legal case a legal case (was) needing to be pleaded. 

4.5.  seu consulendus Hasdrubal et Carthaginienses essent:  or if Hasdrubal and the Carthaginians were needing to be consulted.

14.5.  tibi appetendus visus sim:  I may have seemed to you worthy to be approached.

30.22.  ea habenda fortuna erit, quam di dederint:  that fortune will be needing to be accepted which the gods will have granted.

40.10.  si deportandus exercitus victor ex Africa esset:  if the victorious army was due to be brought back from Africa.

b.  In the Accusative Case (14):

7.7 (x2).  reparandum exercitum Syphacemque hortandum:  that the army (was) needing to be reinforced and Syphax (was) needing to be encouraged.

9.7.  legatos ... ad Hannibalem mittendos:  that delegates (were) needing to be sent to Hannibal.

16.14.  nullas recusandas condiciones pacis:  that no terms of peace (were) right to be refused.

17.2.  regem in custodia Albam mittendum:  that the king was needing to be sent to prison at Alba.

17.2.  Laelium retinendum:  that Laelius was needing to be retained.

23.1.  consulem ... arcessendum:  that the consul ... (was) needing to be summoned.

23.4 (x2).  accipiendam abnuendamve pacem esse: peace was needing to be accepted or needing to be rejected.

23.5 (x2).  iubendosque Italia excedere et custodes cum iis ... mittendos:  and that they (were) needing to be ordered  from Italy, and that guards (were) needing to be sent with them.

26.4.  legatos ad regem ... mittendos: that ambassadors (were) needing to be sent to the king.

31.10.  habendamque eam fortuna quam dei dedissent: that that fortune (was) needing to be accepted that the gods had given.

36.3.  admovendam ... undique terror:  that terror (was) needing to be brought to bear from all sides.

2.  Predicative adjective (passive), used, in respect of an intransitive verb or a transitive verb being employed intransitively, to denote necessity, obligation or propriety. (N.B. This usage is a form of the impersonal passive construction. Some grammatical authorities have considered it to be a case of the gerund rather than the gerundive.) (6):

a.  In the Nominative Case (3):

12.16.  quid Carthaginiensi ab Romano ... timendum sit, vides:  you know what it is necessary to be feared by a Carthaginian from a Roman.

30.18.  maxime cuique fortunae minime credendum est:  it is necessary to be trusted least in respect of each (piece of)  good fortune.

31.3.  sic mihi laborandum est:  it is needing to be endeavoured by me.

b.  In the Accusative Case, as the subject of an indirect statement (3):

21.9.  deis grates agendas:  that thanks (were) needing to be given to the gods.

23.5.  Scipioni scribendum:  that it (was) needing to be written to Scipio.

31.10.  armis decernendum esse:  that it was needing to be decided by (force of) arms.

3.  Predicative adjective used in the sense of a present participle passive. (N.B. This is a survival from early Latin usage.) (1):

a.  In the Nominative Case (1):

16.4.  ex ea regione ex qua oriundi erant:  from that land from which they were sprung.

4.  Attributive adjective (passive) (53): 

a.  In the Nominative Case, with the force of necessity, obligation or propriety (2):

2.5.  Italiae ora ... tuenda:  the coast of Italy needing to be defended. 

45.5.  Polybius, haudquaquam spernendus auctor:  Polybius, an authority by no means suitable to be despised.

b.  In the Accusative Case, as the subject of indirect statement, with the force of necessity, obligation or propriety (2):

37.1.  deos et ius iurandum esse:  that the gods and an oath needing to be sworn (really) do exist.

37.12.  cetera quae abessent aestimanda Scipioni permitti:  that the other things needing to be assessed in value, which were missing, should be left to Scipio.

c.  In the Accusative Case, attached to a noun preceded by the preposition 'ad', and denoting purpose (28):

2.4.  ad tuendam Sardiniam oram:  for the purpose of the coast of Sardinia being defended.

3.3.  ad commeatus intercipiendos:  for the purpose of their supplies being intercepted.

4.6.  ad comparanda ea quae in rem erant: for the purpose of those things which were in his project to be arranged.

5.8.  ad restinguendum incendium: with the purpose of the fire being extinguished.

7.6.  ad tuendam ab exitiali bello patriam: with the purpose of his country being defended from a war of destruction.

9.1.  ad persequendos Syphacem atque Hasdrubalem:  with the purpose of Syphax and Hasdrubal being pursued.

9.5.  ad Hannibalem arcessendum:  for the purpose of Hannibal being summoned.

9.6  ad opprimendam stationem navium:  with the purpose of the squadron of ships being overwhelmed.

12.10.  ad regiam occupandam:  for the purpose of the palace being occupied.

13.3.  ad amicitiam eius petendam: for the purpose of his friendship being sought.

14.4.  ad iugendam mecum amicitiam: with the purpose of a friendship being joined with me.

16.3.  ad pacem petendam: for the purpose of peace being sought.

16.3.  ad ipsum senatum regendum: for the purpose of the senate itself being directed.

16.15.  ad pacem petendam: for the purpose of peace being sought.

18.2.  ad inferenda in hostes signa: with the purpose of charging (lit. their standards being carried  towards) the enemy.

18.12.  ad augendum pavorem ac tumultum:  with the purpose of the panic and confusion being increased.

21.3.  ad conducenda auxilia:  with the purpose of auxiliary troops being hired.

26.2.  ad res repetendas: with the purpose of these matters being redressed.

29.1.  ad reficiendum ex iactatione maritima militem:  for the purpose of his army being revived from the tossing of the sea.

30.3.  ad pacem petendam:  for the purpose of peace being sought.

30.14.  ad tutandam Italiam:  for the purpose of Italy being defended.

31.7.  ad pacem petendam: for the purpose of peace being solicited.

34.4.  ad pellendum hostem: for the purpose of the enemy being repelled.

36.6.  ad contemplandum Carthaginis situm:  with the purpose of the site of Carthage being surveyed.

36.10.  ad delendam Carthaginem: to the purpose of Carthage being destroyed.

37.7.  ad dissuadendam pacem: with the purpose of the peace being opposed.

43.9.  ad foedus feriendum: with the purpose of the treaty being sanctioned (lit. being struck).

45.2.  ad habendos honores: for the purpose of honour being done (to him).

d.  In the Genitive Case, qualifying a noun in the objective genitive (4):

1.10.  non temporis sed rei gerendae fine:  not with a limit of time but of a task being undertaken.

3.4.  Syphacis ... reconciliandi curam: his concern for Syphax being reconciled.

9.5.  rara mentio pacis, frequentior legatorum ... mittendorum:  seldom is there a mention of peace, more frequently (a mention) of delegates being sent.

12.20.  ne quid relinqueret integri ... ipsi Scipioni consulendi:  in order that he might not leave anything fresh to Scipio himself to be resolved.

e.  In the Genitive Case, qualifying a noun in the possessive genitive (1):

9.4.  quae diutinae obsidionis tolerandae sunt:  those things which belong to a lengthy siege being endured.

f.  In the Genitive Case, qualifying a noun preceding the preposition 'causa', and denoting purpose (2):

36.6 (x2).  non tam noscendi ... quam deprimendi hostis causa:  not so much for the sake of the enemy being reconnoitred as (for the sake of it) being humiliated.

g.  In the Dative Case, attached to a noun in the dative of purpose or action contemplated (5):

6.3.  quae restinguendo igni forent:  such things as might be suitable for a fire being extinguished.

8.1.  Uticae oppugnandae intentum:  intent upon Utica being invested.

12.18.  data dextra ... obligandae fidei:  his right-hand having been given for his faith to be pledged.

24.4 (x2).  circumeundis Italiae urbibus ... noscendisque singularum causis:  to the purpose of the cities of Italy being visited and the cases of each individual (city) being enquired into.

h.  In the Ablative Case, qualifying a noun in the instrumental ablative (1):

13.6.  hostis mactandis: by victims being sacrificed.

i.  In the Ablative Case, qualifying a noun preceded by the preposition 'cum' (1):  

7.10.  cum manu haudquaquam contemnenda: with a force by no means to be despised.

j.  In the Ablative Case, qualifying a noun preceded by the preposition 'in' (7):

18.15.  in restituenda pugna:  during the battle being restored.

21.1.  in retinendis iis:  with regard to them being held back.

30.22.  in pace iugenda:  in a peace being made.

34.1.  in re gerenda:  in respect of the battle being fought.

35.10.  in pace impetranda:  in respect of peace being obtained.

38.7 (x2).  in comparanda deducendaque classe:  with regard to his fleet being made ready and being launched.


As can be readily seen from the catalogue of 41 gerunds and 79 gerundives listed above, Livy makes a thorough and widespread use of these grammatical usages, which are so intrinsic to Latin literature, in Book XXX of his History. In the case of Gerunds, this usage is mainly restricted to objective genitives and instrumental ablatives, which are the two applications where the Gerund can take an object in classical Latin. His one exception to this general rule is highlighted in section A. 4 above.

As is usually the case with Latin authors, Livy's employment of the Gerundive is more common; indeed, there are approximately twice as many Gerundives as Gerunds in Book XXX. There are 29 instances of a Gerundive being used to denote necessity, obligation or propriety (i.e. "must", "ought", or "should"), the quintessential use of the Gerundive, although his use of the impersonal construction, so frequently used by many authors is restricted to only 6 cases. He makes particular use of the formula "ad" + noun + Gerundive to express purpose, which he uses 28 times, and the phrase "ad pacem petendam", i.e. "for the purpose of peace being sought", actually appears four times. Indeed, he makes widespread use of the Gerundive as an attributive adjective, i.e. where it is attached directly to the noun as opposed to being used predicatively as part of the complement of the verb "esse", "to be". In total the Gerundive appears 53 times in Book XXX as an attributive adjective. It is in these instances that the phenomenon of "Gerundive attraction" occurs, i.e. where the Gerundive, and the noun which it qualifies, takes the case that the Gerund would have had, if it had been, or could have been, used instead. In most of the instances where Livy uses the Gerundive, it appears in the Oblique Cases, and thus has no, or very little force of necessity, obligation or propriety. In such cases, when one is undertaking a literal translation, it is easiest to translate a Gerundive as though it were a Present Participle Passive, which usage indeed it seems to have had in early Latin (see section B. 3 above).